To learn more, visit the OneLogin documentation.

Basic Parameters

CommentA comment about the user.
CompanyThe company the user belongs to.
DepartmentThe user’s department.
EmailA valid email for the user.
First NameThe user’s first name.
Job TitleThe user’s job title.
Last NameThe user’s last name.
PasswordThe user’s password.
Password ConfirmationConfirm the password. Required if the password is being set.
Phone NumberThe E.164 format phone number for a user.
User IDThe user ID of the user to update. Can be obtained by using the List Users action.
UsernameA username for the user.

Advanced Parameters

Active Directory Manager IDThe ID of the user’s manager in Active Directory.
Active Directory UsernameThe users Active Directory username.
Custom AttributesAn object to contain any other custom attributes you have configured.
Directory IDThe ID of the OneLogin Directory the user will be assigned to.
Directory MembershipThe user’s directory membership.
Distinguished NameThe distinguished name of the user.
External IDThe ID of the user in an external directory.
Group IDThe ID of the Group in OneLogin that the user will be assigned to.
Invalid Login AttemptsThe number of sequential invalid login attempts the user has made.
MappingsControls how mappings will be applied to the user on update.async: Mappings will be run after the API returns a responsesync: Mappings will be run before the API returns a responsedisabled: Mappings will not be run for this user.
OneLogin Manager IDThe OneLogin User ID of the user’s manager. Can be obtained by using the List Users action.
OpenID NameThe name configured for use in other applications that accept OpenID for sign-in.
Password AlgorithmUse this when importing a password has already been hashed. For more information refer to OneLogin’s Documentation.
Preferred Locale CodeThe 2-character language locale for the user, such as en for English or es for Spanish.
Role IDsA list of OneLogin Role IDs the user will be assigned to.
SaltThe salt value that was used with the password_algorithm.
StateThe state of the user.
StatusThe status of the user.
Trusted Idp IDThe ID of the OneLogin Trusted IDP the user will be assigned to.
User Principal NameThe principle name of the user.
Validate Policywhether passwords be validated against the User Policy.

Example Output

{    "created_at": "2020-07-16T03:29:41.420Z",    "id": 87735981,    "state": 1,    "department": null,    "email": null,    "last_login": null,    "password_changed_at": "2020-07-16T03:29:41.377Z",    "preferred_locale_code": null,    "firstname": "Scuba",    "status": 1,    "userprincipalname": null,    "title": null,    "role_ids": [],    "custom_attributes": {        "food": null,        "employeenumber": null    },    "lastname": "Steve",    "updated_at": "2020-07-16T03:29:41.420Z",    "member_of": null,    "phone": null,    "company": null,    "username": "scuba.steve",    "manager_ad_id": null,    "activated_at": null,    "samaccountname": null,    "directory_id": null,    "external_id": null,    "group_id": null,    "invalid_login_attempts": 0,    "invitation_sent_at": null,    "trusted_idp_id": null,    "comment": null,    "distinguished_name": null,    "locked_until": null,    "manager_user_id": null}

Workflow Library Example

Update User with Onelogin and Send Results Via Email

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