To learn more, visit the OneLogin documentation.

Basic Parameters

EmailFilter by the email of the user.
First NameFilter by the first name of the user.
Last NameFilter by the last name of the user.
UsernameFilter by the username of the user.

Advanced Parameters

AD Login NameFilter by the the AD Login name of the user.
App IDFilter by the ID of an OneLogin application.
Created SinceReturns all users created after a given date & time.
Created UntilReturns all users created before a given date & time.
Directory IDFilter by the ID of the directory that the user belongs to.
External IDFilter by an external ID that has been set on the user.
FieldsA comma separated list or a json list of user attributes to return.
Last Login Sincereturns all users that logged in after a given date & time.
Last Login UntilReturns all users that logged in before a given date & time.
Updated SinceReturns all users updated after a given date & time.
Updated UntilReturns all users updated before a given date & time.
User IDsFilter by a comma seperated list of User IDs. Can be obtained by using the List Users action.

Example Output

[{    "activated_at": null,    "distinguished_name": null,    "external_id": null,    "firstname": "Mike",    "last_login": null,    "lastname": "Tester",    "directory_id": null,    "invitation_sent_at": null,    "member_of": null,    "updated_at": "2019-08-22T18:43:55.188Z",    "created_at": "2019-08-22T18:43:55.188Z",    "id": 56781966,    "invalid_login_attempts": 0,    "locked_until": null,    "username": null,    "email": "",    "phone": null,    "state": 1,    "group_id": null,    "password_changed_at": "2019-08-22T18:43:55.172Z",    "status": 1,    "samaccountname": null  },  ...]

Workflow Library Example

List Users with Onelogin and Send Results Via Email

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