To learn more, visit the Notion documentation.


Page TitleThe Title the new page will be created with.
Parent Page IDThe ID of the page you want to create the page as a child of.Note: Only pages with titles will appear in the autofill. If the relevant page name does not appear, manually add it’s ID instead.The ID can be found in the suffix of the page’s web link, e.g. the page in link will have the id d132f3904fbc45329chjc7b1d52661e5.

Example Output

{    "object": "page",    "id": "dc2fd8e0-647e-45f3-81a7-966b0cca7077",    "created_time": "2023-02-23T14:28:00.000Z",    "last_edited_time": "2023-02-23T14:28:00.000Z",    "created_by": {        "object": "user",        "id": "00d4991e-3a2a-489c-b73a-7b18ef106eb6"    },    "last_edited_by": {        "object": "user",        "id": "00d4991e-3a2a-489c-b73a-7b18ef106eb6"    },    "cover": null,    "icon": {        "type": "emoji",        "emoji": "😻"    },    "parent": {        "type": "page_id",        "page_id": "57654d60-f557-407d-9a20-8b74fa48ef5e"    },    "archived": false,    "properties": {        "title": {            "id": "title",            "type": "title",            "title": [                {                    "type": "text",                    "text": {                        "content": "Integrations2",                        "link": null                    },                    "annotations": {                        "bold": false,                        "italic": false,                        "strikethrough": false,                        "underline": false,                        "code": false,                        "color": "default"                    },                    "plain_text": "Integrations2",                    "href": null                }            ]        }    },    "url": ""}

Workflow Library Example

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