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List Available Content

Gets a list of the content currently available for retrieval for the specified content type.

External Documentation

Basic Parameters

Content TypeSpecifies the type of activity logs you want to receive notifications for.For further details, please refer to Microsoft Documentation.
End TimeThe end time (exclusive) of the time range of content to return, based on when the content became available.Note: The interval between the Start Time and End Time should be no more than 24 hours.
Start TimeThe start time (inclusive) of the time range of content to return, based on when the content became available.Note: The interval between the Start Time and End Time should be no more than 24 hours.
Time RangeDetermines the time range of content to return:
  • Last 24 Hours - Return the content available in the last 24 hours.
  • Custom Time Range - Specify your own Start Time & End Time.

Advanced Parameters

Next PageIf there are more results than can be returned in a single response, this parameter can be used to retrieve the next page of results.For further information regarding Next Page, please refer to Microsoft Documentation.
Publisher IdentifierThis parameter is used for throttling the request rate.For further information regarding Publisher Identifier, please refer to Microsoft Documentation.

Example Output

"contentType": "Audit.SharePoint",
"contentId": "492638008028$492638008028$f28ab78ad40140608012736e373933ebspo2015043022$4a81a7c326fc4aed89c62e6039ab833b$04",
"contentUri": "$492638008028$f28ab78ad40140608012736e373933ebspo2015043022$4a81a7c326fc4aed89c62e6039ab833b$04",
"contentCreated": "2015-05-23T17:35:00.000Z",
"contentExpiration": "2015-05-30T17:35:00.000Z"

Workflow Library Example

List Available Content with Microsoft Office 365 Management Activity and Send Results Via Email

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