To learn more, visit the LogRhythm documentation.

Basic Parameters

DirectionSorts results in ascending or descending order.
Order BySorts the returned results by the specified field.
PriorityFilter cases that have a specific case priority.
QueryFilter results that have a case number or name that contains the specified value.
Status NumberFilter cases that have a specific case status.

Advanced Parameters

Collaborator NumberFilter results that have a specific case collaborator, by person number.
CountMaximum number of results to be returned when paging.
Created AfterFilter results that were created after the specified date.
Created BeforeFilter results that were created before the specified date.
Due BeforeFilter results that have a due date before the specified date.
Entity NumberFilter results that have the specified assigned entity number.
Evidence TypeFilter results that have evidence of the specified type.
External IDFilter results that have the specified unique, external identifier.
OffsetNumber of results to skip when paging.
OwnersFilter results that have a specific case owner, by person numbers.
Reference IDFilter results that have evidence with the given reference identifier. For example, an alarm ID.
Tag NumberFilter results that are tagged, by tag numbers.
Updated AfterFilter results that were updated after the specified date.
Updated BeforeFilter results that were updated before the specified date.

Example Output

[    {        "id": "baca95ad-e9d7-4270-a677-da0cf4a587d8",        "number": 1,        "externalId": "EXTERNAL-1234",        "dateCreated": "2024-08-06T11:58:06.992Z",        "dateUpdated": "2024-08-06T11:58:06.992Z",        "dateClosed": "2024-08-06T11:58:06.992Z",        "owner": {            "number": 1,            "name": "John Smith",            "disabled": false        },        "lastUpdatedBy": {            "number": 1,            "name": "John Smith",            "disabled": false        },        "name": "System Compromise",        "status": {            "name": "Mitigated",            "number": 4        },        "priority": 1,        "dueDate": "2024-08-06T11:58:06.992Z",        "resolution": "Quarantined the target system for further investigation.",        "resolutionDateUpdated": "2024-08-06T11:58:06.992Z",        "resolutionLastUpdatedBy": {            "number": 1,            "name": "John Smith",            "disabled": false        },        "summary": "Investigated a potential system compromise. More details at",        "entity": {            "number": 1,            "name": "Child Entity",            "fullName": "Parent Entity/Child Entity"        },        "collaborators": [            {                "number": 1,                "name": "John Smith"            },            {                "number": 2,                "name": "Jane Clark"            }        ],        "tags": [            {                "number": 1,                "text": "System"            },            {                "number": 2,                "text": "Urgent"            }        ]    }]

Workflow Library Example

List Cases with Logrhythm and Send Results Via Email

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