Note that if the incident mode is set to “retrospective” then the new incident will not be announced in Slack.

To learn more, visit the documentation.

Basic Parameters

Idempotency KeyUnique string used to de-duplicate incident create requests.
NameExplanation of the incident.
SummaryDetailed description of the incident.
VisibilityWhether the incident should be open to anyone in your Slack workspace (public), or invite-only (private). For more information on Private Incidents see our help centre.

Advanced Parameters

Custom Field EntriesSet the incident’s custom fields to these values.
IDUnique identifier for the incident.
Incident Role AssignmentsAssign incident roles to these people.
Incident Status IDIncident status to assign to the incident.
Incident Timestamp ValuesAssign the incident’s timestamps to these values.
Incident Type IDIncident type to create this incident as.
ModeWhether the incident is real, a test, a tutorial, or importing as a retrospective incident.
Retrospective Incident Options Slack Channel IDIf the incident mode is ‘retrospective’, pass the ID of a Slack channel in your workspace to attach the incident to an existing channel, rather than creating a new one.
Severity IDSeverity to create incident as.
Slack Channel Name OverrideName of the Slack channel to create for this incident.
Slack Team IDSlack Team to create the incident in.

Example Output

{    "incident": {        "call_url": "",        "created_at": "2021-08-17T13:28:57.801578Z",        "creator": {            "api_key": {                "id": "01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0",                "name": "My test API key"            },            "user": {                "email": "",                "id": "01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0",                "name": "Lisa Karlin Curtis",                "role": "viewer",                "slack_user_id": "U02AYNF2XJM"            }        },        "custom_field_entries": [            {                "custom_field": {                    "description": "Which team is impacted by this issue",                    "field_type": "single_select",                    "id": "01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0",                    "name": "Affected Team",                    "options": [                        {                            "custom_field_id": "01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0",                            "id": "01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0",                            "sort_key": 10,                            "value": "Product"                        }                    ]                },                "values": [                    {                        "value_catalog_entry": {                            "aliases": [                                "",                                "lawrence"                            ],                            "external_id": "761722cd-d1d7-477b-ac7e-90f9e079dc33",                            "id": "01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0",                            "name": "Primary On-call"                        },                        "value_link": "",                        "value_numeric": "123.456",                        "value_option": {                            "custom_field_id": "01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0",                            "id": "01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0",                            "sort_key": 10,                            "value": "Product"                        },                        "value_text": "This is my text field, I hope you like it"                    }                ]            }        ],        "duration_metrics": [            {                "duration_metric": {                    "id": "01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYD5H",                    "name": "Lasted"                },                "value_seconds": 1            }        ],        "external_issue_reference": {            "issue_name": "INC-123",            "issue_permalink": "",            "provider": "asana"        },        "id": "01FDAG4SAP5TYPT98WGR2N7W91",        "incident_role_assignments": [            {                "assignee": {                    "email": "",                    "id": "01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0",                    "name": "Lisa Karlin Curtis",                    "role": "viewer",                    "slack_user_id": "U02AYNF2XJM"                },                "role": {                    "created_at": "2021-08-17T13:28:57.801578Z",                    "description": "The person currently coordinating the incident",                    "id": "01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0",                    "instructions": "Take point on the incident; Make sure people are clear on responsibilities",                    "name": "Incident Lead",                    "required": false,                    "role_type": "lead",                    "shortform": "lead",                    "updated_at": "2021-08-17T13:28:57.801578Z"                }            }        ],        "incident_status": {            "category": "triage",            "created_at": "2021-08-17T13:28:57.801578Z",            "description": "Impact has been **fully mitigated**, and we're ready to learn from this incident.",            "id": "01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYD5H",            "name": "Closed",            "rank": 4,            "updated_at": "2021-08-17T13:28:57.801578Z"        },        "incident_timestamp_values": [            {                "incident_timestamp": {                    "id": "01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYD5H",                    "name": "Impact started",                    "rank": 1                },                "value": {                    "value": "2021-08-17T13:28:57.801578Z"                }            }        ],        "incident_type": {            "create_in_triage": "always",            "created_at": "2021-08-17T13:28:57.801578Z",            "description": "Customer facing production outages",            "id": "01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0",            "is_default": false,            "name": "Production Outage",            "private_incidents_only": false,            "updated_at": "2021-08-17T13:28:57.801578Z"        },        "mode": "standard",        "name": "Our database is sad",        "permalink": "",        "postmortem_document_url": "",        "reference": "INC-123",        "severity": {            "created_at": "2021-08-17T13:28:57.801578Z",            "description": "Issues with **low impact**.",            "id": "01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0",            "name": "Minor",            "rank": 1,            "updated_at": "2021-08-17T13:28:57.801578Z"        },        "slack_channel_id": "C02AW36C1M5",        "slack_channel_name": "inc-165-green-parrot",        "slack_team_id": "T02A1FSLE8J",        "summary": "Our database is really really sad, and we don't know why yet.",        "updated_at": "2021-08-17T13:28:57.801578Z",        "visibility": "public",        "workload_minutes_late": 40.7,        "workload_minutes_sleeping": 0,        "workload_minutes_total": 60.7,        "workload_minutes_working": 20    }}

Workflow Library Example

Create Incident with Incidentio and Send Results Via Email

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