To learn more, visit the IBM NS1 Connect documentation.


Domain NameDomain to which the record applies.Note: This may be the same as the zone FQDN or one of its associated subdomains.
Record TypeType of DNS record.
VersionUnique ID of the zone version. Do not include if requesting the current (active) zone version.
Zone NameUnique name of the zone. This may be the same as the zone FQDN. Can be obtained by using the List Zones action.

Example Output

{    "answers": [        {            "answer": [                "hiuwtuma"            ],            "id": "4587061034090496",            "meta": {                "id": 859605563342848            },            "region": "obokaebo",            "feeds": [                {                    "source": "ipmesgah",                    "feed": "feptosc"                }            ]        }    ],    "domain": "",    "filters": [        {            "disabled": false,            "filter": "recabap",            "config": {                "eliminate": false            }        }    ],    "link": "fugt",    "meta": {        "id": 7828951334387712    },    "networks": [        39811774    ],    "regions": {        "id": 3706618764066816    },    "tier": -2464943,    "ttl": -50167331,    "override_ttl": false,    "type": "ifolewaosfalbiha",    "use_client_subnet": true,    "zone": "tantici",    "zone_name": "Georgia Miller",    "blocked_tags": [        "fevd"    ],    "local_tags": [        "ujoleta"    ],    "tags": {        "id": 8686193879285760    },    "feeds": [        {            "source": "reegnirbijutepc",            "feed": "febilahejlarofcu"        }    ],    "override_address_records": false,    "created_at": 13412272,    "updated_at": -21840543,    "id": "50eb9d77830f784f98b0dd59"}

Workflow Library Example

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