To learn more, visit the IBM NS1 Connect documentation.


AfterThe record to begin the returned page of zones at.
LimitThe maximum number of items to return per page.
OffsetThe offset of the results at which to begin the response.

Example Output

[    {        "assigned_nameservers": [            "kiwv"        ],        "dns_servers": [            "fihb"        ],        "expiry": 66938614,        "name": "Derrick Anderson",        "link": "jufoca",        "primary_master": "wiparhev",        "hostmaster": "",        "id": "5570821554700288",        "meta": {            "asn": [                "igvapi"            ],            "ca_province": [                "pipinej"            ],            "connections": 28008854,            "country": [                "lotu"            ],            "georegion": [                "ahfasp"            ],            "high_watermark": 60.31395244,            "ip_prefixes": [                "abuge"            ],            "latitude": 94.96392417,            "loadAvg": 68.12359644,            "longitude": 47.6905636,            "low_watermark": 86.63545584,            "note": "kiwu",            "priority": -16446191,            "pulsar": "anam",            "requests": -19360503,            "up": false,            "us_state": [                "jeggaoku"            ],            "weight": 23.85603648        },        "network_pools": [            "agdupi"        ],        "networks": [            -42798344        ],        "nx_ttl": -46468340,        "serial": -36761778,        "primary": {            "enabled": false,            "secondaries": [                {                    "ip": "",                    "network": 50271763,                    "notify": true,                    "port": 85156479,                    "tsig": {                        "enabled": false,                        "hash": "iwwaffifkopoko",                        "name": "Sue Douglas",                        "key": "tarepulec"                    }                }            ]        },        "records": [            {                "domain": "",                "zone": "mugnogubb",                "tags": {                    "id": 3411035599929344                },                "link": "lasolisu",                "use_client_subnet": false,                "regions": {                    "id": 5858832962027520                },                "meta": {                    "id": 2887194899382272                },                "zone_name": "Jon Schneider",                "networks": [                    30605889                ],                "id": "6470405990645760",                "answers": {                    "id": 1211470490632192                },                "short_answers": [                    "nogku"                ],                "tier": 63981957,                "ttl": -10802652,                "type": "sojdutajol"            }        ],        "refresh": 5587569,        "retry": -41180435,        "secondary": {            "status": "nuskoguto",            "error": "ruupilut",            "last_xfr": -40080245,            "last_try": -54882590,            "primary_ip": "",            "primary_port": -12949870,            "primary_network": 49088370,            "enabled": true,            "tsig": {                "enabled": false,                "hash": "ditumugsijtudko",                "name": "Florence Wilkerson",                "key": "mefia"            },            "other_ports": [                82690025            ],            "other_ips": [                "leliku"            ],            "other_networks": [                -12123663            ],            "expired": true        },        "ttl": 76403355,        "zone": "uluzinolufes",        "views": [            "wuak"        ],        "local_tags": [            "duowi"        ],        "tags": {            "id": 7209441258635264        },        "created_at": -31929357,        "updated_at": 89888606,        "dnssec": true,        "presigned": false,        "id_version": 29261249,        "active_version": false    }]

Workflow Library Example

List Zones with Ibm Ns1 Connect and Send Results Via Email

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