To learn more, visit the HiBob documentation.

Basic Parameters

FieldsA list of the fields to be returned for each employee. For any additional fields, use the additional fields parameter.
Filter ByThe parameter to filter by.
Filter ValuesA comma-separated list of all the values to filter by.

Advanced Parameters

Additional FieldsA comma separated list of additional fields to return for each employee. All the possible fields can be obtained from the Get All Company Fields action.
Human ReadableReturn human readable values.
Show InactiveDefines whether response should include inactive employees.

Example Output

{    "employees": [        {            "id": "string",            "firstName": "string",            "surname": "string",            "email": "",            "displayName": "string",            "personal": {                "honorific": "string",                "shortBirthDate": "string",                "gender": "string"            },            "about": {                "avatar": "string",                "hobbies": [                    "string"                ]            },            "work": {                "reportsTo": {                    "id": "string",                    "firstName": "string",                    "surname": "string",                    "email": "string"                },                "title": "string",                "department": "string",                "site": "string",                "startDate": "2024-03-19"            }        }    ]}

Workflow Library Example

Search Employees with Hibob and Send Results Via Email

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