[ { "allow_direct_roles": false, "allow_normal_group_membership": false, "allow_roles_from_normal_groups": false, "avatar_url": "URL for the avatar image (may be generic)", "avatar_url_without_sizing": "URL for the avatar image (may be generic), does not specify size", "can": {}, "credentials_api3": [ { "can": {}, "client_id": "API key client_id", "created_at": "Timestamp for the creation of this credential", "id": "Unique Id", "is_disabled": false, "type": "Short name for the type of this kind of credential", "url": "Link to get this item" } ], "credentials_email": { "account_setup_url": "Url with one-time use secret token that the user can use to setup account", "can": {}, "created_at": "Timestamp for the creation of this credential", "email": "EMail address used for user login", "forced_password_reset_at_next_login": false, "is_disabled": false, "logged_in_at": "Timestamp for most recent login using credential", "password_reset_url": "Url with one-time use secret token that the user can use to reset password", "type": "Short name for the type of this kind of credential", "url": "Link to get this item", "user_id": "Unique Id of the user", "user_url": "Link to get this user" }, "credentials_embed": [ { "can": {}, "created_at": "Timestamp for the creation of this credential", "external_group_id": "Embedder's id for a group to which this user was added during the most recent login", "external_user_id": "Embedder's unique id for the user", "id": "Unique Id", "is_disabled": false, "logged_in_at": "Timestamp for most recent login using credential", "type": "Short name for the type of this kind of credential", "url": "Link to get this item" } ], "credentials_google": { "can": {}, "created_at": "Timestamp for the creation of this credential", "domain": "Google domain", "email": "EMail address", "google_user_id": "Google's Unique ID for this user", "is_disabled": false, "logged_in_at": "Timestamp for most recent login using credential", "type": "Short name for the type of this kind of credential", "url": "Link to get this item" }, "credentials_ldap": { "can": {}, "created_at": "Timestamp for the creation of this credential", "email": "EMail address", "is_disabled": false, "ldap_dn": "LDAP Distinguished name for this user (as-of the last login)", "ldap_id": "LDAP Unique ID for this user", "logged_in_at": "Timestamp for most recent login using credential", "type": "Short name for the type of this kind of credential", "url": "Link to get this item" }, "credentials_looker_openid": { "can": {}, "created_at": "Timestamp for the creation of this credential", "email": "EMail address used for user login", "is_disabled": false, "logged_in_at": "Timestamp for most recent login using credential", "logged_in_ip": "IP address of client for most recent login using credential", "type": "Short name for the type of this kind of credential", "url": "Link to get this item", "user_url": "Link to get this user" }, "credentials_oidc": { "can": {}, "created_at": "Timestamp for the creation of this credential", "email": "EMail address", "is_disabled": false, "logged_in_at": "Timestamp for most recent login using credential", "oidc_user_id": "OIDC OP's Unique ID for this user", "type": "Short name for the type of this kind of credential", "url": "Link to get this item" }, "credentials_saml": { "can": {}, "created_at": "Timestamp for the creation of this credential", "email": "EMail address", "is_disabled": false, "logged_in_at": "Timestamp for most recent login using credential", "saml_user_id": "Saml IdP's Unique ID for this user", "type": "Short name for the type of this kind of credential", "url": "Link to get this item" }, "credentials_totp": { "can": {}, "created_at": "Timestamp for the creation of this credential", "is_disabled": false, "type": "Short name for the type of this kind of credential", "url": "Link to get this item", "verified": false }, "display_name": "Full name for display (available only if both first_name and last_name are set)", "email": "EMail address", "embed_group_folder_id": "(Embed only) ID of user's group folder based on the external_group_id optionally specified during embed user login", "embed_group_space_id": "(DEPRECATED) (Embed only) ID of user's group space based on the external_group_id optionally specified during embed user login", "first_name": "First name", "group_ids": [ "string" ], "home_folder_id": "ID string for user's home folder", "id": "Unique Id", "is_disabled": false, "is_iam_admin": false, "last_name": "Last name", "locale": "User's preferred locale. User locale takes precedence over Looker's system-wide default locale. Locale determines language of display strings and date and numeric formatting in API responses. Locale string must be a 2 letter language code or a combination of language code and region code: 'en' or 'en-US', for example.", "looker_versions": [ "string" ], "models_dir_validated": false, "personal_folder_id": "ID of user's personal folder", "presumed_looker_employee": false, "role_ids": [ "string" ], "roles_externally_managed": false, "sessions": [ { "browser": "User's browser type", "can": {}, "city": "City component of user location (derived from IP address)", "country": "Country component of user location (derived from IP address)", "created_at": "Time when this session was initiated", "credentials_type": "Type of credentials used for logging in this session", "expires_at": "Time when this session will expire", "extended_at": "Time when this session was last extended by the user", "extended_count": 0, "id": "Unique Id", "ip_address": "IP address of user when this session was initiated", "operating_system": "User's Operating System", "state": "State component of user location (derived from IP address)", "sudo_user_id": "Actual user in the case when this session represents one user sudo'ing as another", "url": "Link to get this item" } ], "ui_state": {}, "url": "Link to get this item", "verified_looker_employee": false }]