Returns all* user records that match the given search criteria.

If multiple search params are given and `filter_or` is FALSE or not specified, search params are combined in a logical AND operation. Only rows that match *all* search param criteria will be returned.

If `filter_or` is TRUE, multiple search params are combined in a logical OR operation. Results will include rows that match **any** of the search criteria.

String search params use case-insensitive matching. String search params can contain `%` and ’_’ as SQL LIKE pattern match wildcard expressions. example=“dan%” will match “danger” and “Danzig” but not “David” example=“D_m%” will match “Damage” and “dump”

Integer search params can accept a single value or a comma separated list of values. The multiple values will be combined under a logical OR operation - results will match at least one of the given values.

Most search params can accept “IS NULL” and “NOT NULL” as special expressions to match or exclude (respectively) rows where the column is null.

Boolean search params accept only “true” and “false” as values.

(*) Results are always filtered to the level of information the caller is permitted to view. Looker admins can see all user details; normal users in an open system can see names of other users but no details; normal users in a closed system can only see names of other users who are members of the same group as the user.

To learn more, visit the Google Looker documentation.

Basic Parameters

Content Metadata IDSearch for users who have access to this content_metadata item.
EmailSearch for the user with this email address.
Filter OrCombine given search criteria in a boolean OR expression.
First NameMatch First name.
Group IDSearch for users who are direct members of this group.
IDMatch User Id.
Last NameMatch Last name.

Advanced Parameters

Embed UserSearch for only embed users.
FieldsInclude only these fields in the response.
Is DisabledSearch for disabled user accounts.
LimitNumber of results to return. (used with offset and takes priority over page and per_page).
OffsetNumber of results to skip before returning any. (used with limit and takes priority over page and per_page).
SortsFields to sort by.
Verified Looker EmployeeSearch for user accounts associated with Looker employees.

Example Output

[    {        "allow_direct_roles": false,        "allow_normal_group_membership": false,        "allow_roles_from_normal_groups": false,        "avatar_url": "URL for the avatar image (may be generic)",        "avatar_url_without_sizing": "URL for the avatar image (may be generic), does not specify size",        "can": {},        "credentials_api3": [            {                "can": {},                "client_id": "API key client_id",                "created_at": "Timestamp for the creation of this credential",                "id": "Unique Id",                "is_disabled": false,                "type": "Short name for the type of this kind of credential",                "url": "Link to get this item"            }        ],        "credentials_email": {            "account_setup_url": "Url with one-time use secret token that the user can use to setup account",            "can": {},            "created_at": "Timestamp for the creation of this credential",            "email": "EMail address used for user login",            "forced_password_reset_at_next_login": false,            "is_disabled": false,            "logged_in_at": "Timestamp for most recent login using credential",            "password_reset_url": "Url with one-time use secret token that the user can use to reset password",            "type": "Short name for the type of this kind of credential",            "url": "Link to get this item",            "user_id": "Unique Id of the user",            "user_url": "Link to get this user"        },        "credentials_embed": [            {                "can": {},                "created_at": "Timestamp for the creation of this credential",                "external_group_id": "Embedder's id for a group to which this user was added during the most recent login",                "external_user_id": "Embedder's unique id for the user",                "id": "Unique Id",                "is_disabled": false,                "logged_in_at": "Timestamp for most recent login using credential",                "type": "Short name for the type of this kind of credential",                "url": "Link to get this item"            }        ],        "credentials_google": {            "can": {},            "created_at": "Timestamp for the creation of this credential",            "domain": "Google domain",            "email": "EMail address",            "google_user_id": "Google's Unique ID for this user",            "is_disabled": false,            "logged_in_at": "Timestamp for most recent login using credential",            "type": "Short name for the type of this kind of credential",            "url": "Link to get this item"        },        "credentials_ldap": {            "can": {},            "created_at": "Timestamp for the creation of this credential",            "email": "EMail address",            "is_disabled": false,            "ldap_dn": "LDAP Distinguished name for this user (as-of the last login)",            "ldap_id": "LDAP Unique ID for this user",            "logged_in_at": "Timestamp for most recent login using credential",            "type": "Short name for the type of this kind of credential",            "url": "Link to get this item"        },        "credentials_looker_openid": {            "can": {},            "created_at": "Timestamp for the creation of this credential",            "email": "EMail address used for user login",            "is_disabled": false,            "logged_in_at": "Timestamp for most recent login using credential",            "logged_in_ip": "IP address of client for most recent login using credential",            "type": "Short name for the type of this kind of credential",            "url": "Link to get this item",            "user_url": "Link to get this user"        },        "credentials_oidc": {            "can": {},            "created_at": "Timestamp for the creation of this credential",            "email": "EMail address",            "is_disabled": false,            "logged_in_at": "Timestamp for most recent login using credential",            "oidc_user_id": "OIDC OP's Unique ID for this user",            "type": "Short name for the type of this kind of credential",            "url": "Link to get this item"        },        "credentials_saml": {            "can": {},            "created_at": "Timestamp for the creation of this credential",            "email": "EMail address",            "is_disabled": false,            "logged_in_at": "Timestamp for most recent login using credential",            "saml_user_id": "Saml IdP's Unique ID for this user",            "type": "Short name for the type of this kind of credential",            "url": "Link to get this item"        },        "credentials_totp": {            "can": {},            "created_at": "Timestamp for the creation of this credential",            "is_disabled": false,            "type": "Short name for the type of this kind of credential",            "url": "Link to get this item",            "verified": false        },        "display_name": "Full name for display (available only if both first_name and last_name are set)",        "email": "EMail address",        "embed_group_folder_id": "(Embed only) ID of user's group folder based on the external_group_id optionally specified during embed user login",        "embed_group_space_id": "(DEPRECATED) (Embed only) ID of user's group space based on the external_group_id optionally specified during embed user login",        "first_name": "First name",        "group_ids": [            "string"        ],        "home_folder_id": "ID string for user's home folder",        "id": "Unique Id",        "is_disabled": false,        "is_iam_admin": false,        "last_name": "Last name",        "locale": "User's preferred locale. User locale takes precedence over Looker's system-wide default locale. Locale determines language of display strings and date and numeric formatting in API responses. Locale string must be a 2 letter language code or a combination of language code and region code: 'en' or 'en-US', for example.",        "looker_versions": [            "string"        ],        "models_dir_validated": false,        "personal_folder_id": "ID of user's personal folder",        "presumed_looker_employee": false,        "role_ids": [            "string"        ],        "roles_externally_managed": false,        "sessions": [            {                "browser": "User's browser type",                "can": {},                "city": "City component of user location (derived from IP address)",                "country": "Country component of user location (derived from IP address)",                "created_at": "Time when this session was initiated",                "credentials_type": "Type of credentials used for logging in this session",                "expires_at": "Time when this session will expire",                "extended_at": "Time when this session was last extended by the user",                "extended_count": 0,                "id": "Unique Id",                "ip_address": "IP address of user when this session was initiated",                "operating_system": "User's Operating System",                "state": "State component of user location (derived from IP address)",                "sudo_user_id": "Actual user in the case when this session represents one user sudo'ing as another",                "url": "Link to get this item"            }        ],        "ui_state": {},        "url": "Link to get this item",        "verified_looker_employee": false    }]

Workflow Library Example

Search Users with Google Looker and Send Results Via Email

Preview this Workflow on desktop