Add Member To Project
Adds a member to a project.
To learn more, visit the GitLab documentation.
Parameter | Description |
Access Level | The access levels are defined in the Gitlab::Access module. Currently, these levels are recognized No access (0) Minimal access (5) (Introduced in GitLab 13.5.) Guest (10) Reporter (20) Developer (30) Maintainer (40). |
Expires At | A date string in the format YEAR-MONTH-DAY. |
Invite Source | The source of the invitation that starts the member creation process. |
Project ID | The ID or path of the project owned by the authenticated user. If the path is being used, it should be url encoded - for example: user%2my-project . |
User ID | The user ID of the new member or multiple IDs separated by commas. |
Workflow Library Example
Add Member to Project with Gitlab and Send Results Via Email
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