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New Case

Triggers a workflow on every new case.


Automations based on this trigger will search for new events every 5 minutes.

Sample Event

"alertCreationTimestamp": "2024-04-17T11:45:54.421",
"alertId": "c867bae5-3c21-4c98-a142-953c01dce1df",
"approxLogTime": "2024-04-17T11:41:47.564",
"assignee": "",
"assigneeId": "64f9e3ef1793b179824a8961",
"creationTimestamp": "2024-04-17T11:48:47.559",
"caseId": "e77e5002-bd35-4e7b-a532-cd76341ef6f3",
"creationBy": "system",
"stage": "CLOSED",
"closedReason": "Closed via automation",
"alertDescriptionRt": "Suspicious activity detected on host",
"hasAttachments": false,
"isDeleted": false,
"lastModifiedBy": "",
"lastModifiedTimestamp": "2024-04-17T11:55:19.127",
"mitres": [
"tacticKey": "TA0004",
"tactic": "Privilege Escalation",
"techniqueKey": "T1078",
"technique": "Valid Accounts"
"tacticKey": "TA0011",
"tactic": "Command and Control",
"techniqueKey": "T1090",
"technique": "Proxy"
"tacticKey": "TA0005",
"tactic": "Defense Evasion",
"techniqueKey": "T1078",
"technique": "Valid Accounts"
"tacticKey": "TA0011",
"tactic": "Command and Control",
"techniqueKey": "T1071",
"technique": "Application Layer Protocol"
"tacticKey": "TA0001",
"tactic": "Initial Access",
"techniqueKey": "T1078",
"technique": "Valid Accounts"
"tacticKey": "TA0003",
"tactic": "Persistence",
"techniqueKey": "T1078",
"technique": "Valid Accounts"
"alertName": "Multiple Anomalies",
"priority": "HIGH",
"riskScore": 71,
"queue": "Tier 1 Analyst",
"status": "READ",
"tags": [],
"useCases": [
"Compromised Credentials",
"Abnormal Authentication & Access"
"products": [
"NG Analytics"
"vendors": [
"srcHosts": [],
"srcIps": [
"destHosts": [],
"destIps": [
"users": [
"groupedbyKey": "User",
"groupedbyValue": "georgemartin",
"ingestTimestamp": "2024-04-17T11:47:54.143",
"srcEndpoints": [
"ip": "",
"host": "host164"
"destEndpoints": [
"ip": "",
"host": "host256"