scope: sharing.write

Update the sharing policies for a shared folder. User must have AccessLevel.owner access to the shared folder to update its policies.

Basic Parameters

ACL Update PolicyWho can add and remove members of this shared folder. This field is optional.
Member PolicyWho can be a member of this shared folder. Only applicable if the current user is on a team. This field is optional.
Shared Folder IDThe ID for the shared folder.

Advanced Parameters

ActionsA list of FolderActions corresponding to FolderPermissions that should appear in the response’s SharedFolderMetadata.permissions field describing the actions the authenticated user can perform on the folder.This field is optional.For more information, see Dropbox documentation.
Link SettingsSettings on the link for this folder.This field is optional.For more information, see Dropbox documentation.
Shared Link PolicyThe policy to apply to shared links created for content inside this shared folder. The current user must be on a team to set this policy to SharedLinkPolicy.members. This field is optional.
Viewer Info PolicyWho can enable/disable viewer info for this shared folder. This field is optional.

Example Output

{    "value": {        "access_inheritance": {            ".tag": "inherit"        },        "access_type": {            ".tag": "owner"        },        "is_inside_team_folder": false,        "is_team_folder": false,        "link_metadata": {            "audience_options": [                {                    ".tag": "public"                },                {                    ".tag": "team"                },                {                    ".tag": "members"                }            ],            "current_audience": {                ".tag": "public"            },            "link_permissions": [                {                    "action": {                        ".tag": "change_audience"                    },                    "allow": true                }            ],            "password_protected": false,            "url": ""        },        "name": "dir",        "path_lower": "/dir",        "permissions": [],        "policy": {            "acl_update_policy": {                ".tag": "owner"            },            "member_policy": {                ".tag": "anyone"            },            "resolved_member_policy": {                ".tag": "team"            },            "shared_link_policy": {                ".tag": "anyone"            }        },        "preview_url": "",        "shared_folder_id": "84528192421",        "time_invited": "2016-01-20T00:00:00Z"    }}

Workflow Library Example

Update Folder Policy with Dropbox and Send Results Via Email

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