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Update Alert Status

Update alert status by the alert ID.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the Devo documentation.


IDID of the alert you want to update. Can be retrieved using the List Triggered Alerts action.
StatusNew status of the alert.

Example Output

"id": 123456,
"domain": "demo",
"priority": 5,
"context": "my.alert.demo.SecIntSeveralDNS",
"category": "my.context",
"srcPort": null,
"srcIp": null,
"srcHost": null,
"dstIp": null,
"dstPort": null,
"dstHost": null,
"protocol": null,
"username": "",
"application": null,
"engine": "",
"extraData": "{\"sourceIP\":\"%2F194.140.174.171\",\"totalservers\":\"71\",\"destinationCount\":\"71.00007511654165\",\"eventdate\":\"2023-04-05+07%3A00%3A00.0\"}",
"alertDate": null,
"status": 100,
"ack_status_date": null,
"createDate": 1680681772000,
"updateDate": 1680683709802,
"scaled": false,
"digest": "c80cfdff6620d2a07f757690f8137ca17635479b",
"uniquedigest": "a63d213133dd3f7756c265ea2c712fe8c0a4fc18",
"postAlertAction": null,
"contextLabel": null,
"contextSubscription": null,
"shouldSend": false,
"alertOwner": null,
"fullExtraData": null,
"alertType": null,
"alertMitreTactics": null,
"alertMitreTechniques": null,
"alertPriority": null,
"alertDefinition": null,
"allExtraDataFields": null,
"tags": null,
"entities": null,
"commentsList": null,
"integrations": null,
"contexto": null

Workflow Library Example

Update Alert Status with Devo and Send Results Via Email

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