To learn more, visit the Devo documentation.

Basic Parameters

FromFilters all alerts triggered after this date.
LimitMaximum number of elements returned in the response.
OffsetPosition of the first element in the returned list. You will retrieve a subset of records starting with the offset value.
ToFilters all alerts triggered before this date.

Advanced Parameters

ASC OrderSelect to retrieve the alert list in ascending order.
Order ByOrder the alerts by a specific field.
Show AllSelect to retrieve all the triggered alerts, including the ones with false positive and closed status.

Example Output

{    "id": 123456,    "domain": "myDomain",    "priority": 4,    "context": "my.alert.demo.AWSConsoleLoginFailure",    "category": "my.context",    "srcPort": null,    "srcIp": null,    "srcHost": null,    "dstIp": null,    "dstPort": null,    "dstHost": null,    "protocol": null,    "username": "",    "application": null,    "engine": "pilot-8-pro-cloud-custom-aws-us-east-1",    "extraData": "{\"userIdentity_principalId\":\"AIDA3Y41I57DEUQSSBD1ZE\",\"mfaUsed\":\"No\",\"loginResponse\":\"Failure\",\"userIdentity_type\":\"IAMUser\",\"count\":\"1\",\"userName\":\"\",\"eventdate\":\"2023-04-03+13%3A39%3A00.0\"}",    "alertDate": null,    "status": 0,    "ack_status_date": null,    "createDate": 1680529252000,    "updateDate": null,    "scaled": false,    "digest": "5ad6c04d1f29125dfae0de480584f9c39362f4f3",    "uniquedigest": "f8ca95e3ed3c853b7f39dd39c099b8547c9e2f7b",    "postAlertAction": null,    "contextLabel": null,    "contextSubscription": null,    "shouldSend": false,    "alertOwner": null,    "fullExtraData": null,    "alertType": null,    "alertMitreTactics": null,    "alertMitreTechniques": null,    "alertPriority": null,    "alertDefinition": null,    "allExtraDataFields": null,    "tags": null,    "entities": null,    "commentsList": [],    "integrations": null,    "contexto": null}

Workflow Library Example

List Triggered Alerts with Devo and Send Results Via Email

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