To learn more, visit the Cyware CTIX documentation.

Basic Parameters

CollectionThe name of the collection of the intelligence. If the collection doesn’t exist, it is automatically created.
SourceThe name of the source of the intelligence. If the source doesn’t exist, it is automatically created.
TitleThe title of the created intelligence.

Advanced Parameters

ConfidenceThe confidence of the intelligence.
SDOs & IOCsThe SDOs and IOCs associated with the intelligence. For more information see Cyware documentation.For Example:{ "all_iocs": { "ipv4": [ { "value": "", "description": "sample description", "is_false_positive": true, "notes": [ "This is a sample Note attached to this indicator!", "Sample Note 2" ], "custom_attributes": { "x_custom_attribute1": "sample value 1", "x_custom_attribute2": "sample value 2" } }] }, "vulnerabilities": [ { "value": "vul1", "custom_attributes": { "x_custom_attribute1": "sample value 1", "x_custom_attribute2": "sample value 2" } }] }}
TLPThe Traffic Light Protocol(TLP) of the created intelligence.
TagsA comma-separated array of the tags associated with the intelligence.

Example Output

{    "details": "Intel creation is in progress."}

Workflow Library Example

Create Intel Intelligence with Cyware Ctix and Send Results Via Email

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