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Update Asset Tags

Add, remove or replace custom tags from specified assets.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the CyCognito documentation.


ActionChoose an action to apply to the tags on the specified entities. Available options:

add - Apply new tags in addition to the existing tags on the specified entities.
remove – Clears only the indicated tags from the specified entities.
replace – Replaces all of the current tags on all of the specified entities with the indicated tags.
remove-all – Clears all of the existing tags from the specified entities.
Entity IDsA comma seperated list of ids of entities You would like to update their tags. Note - Make sure to add the prefix of the asset type. For example, for ip, the ID would be ip/
TagsA comma seperated list of tags, corresponding to the entities ids list.

Example Output

"failed": [
"additionalProp1": "string",
"additionalProp2": "string",
"additionalProp3": "string"
"Unknown Type: null"
"updated": [

Workflow Library Example

Update Asset Tags with Cycognito and Send Results Via Email

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