To learn more, visit the CyCognito documentation.


Asset IDThe ID of the asset to fetch, corresponding to the selected type. Can be obtained from the List Assets action.Note - Make sure to insert the asset ID without the asset type prefix. For example, for ip, the ID would be the IP address -
Asset TypeSpecify the category of the asset.
Investigation StatusThe new investigation status to be updated.

Example Output

{    "failed": [        "string",        true,        0,        "string",        "string",        [            "string"        ],        {            "additionalProp1": "string",            "additionalProp2": "string",            "additionalProp3": "string"        },        "Unknown Type: null"    ],    "updated": [        "string"    ]}

Workflow Library Example

Update Asset Investigation Status with Cycognito and Send Results Via Email

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