Retrieve a list of all active sessions.


LimitDetermines the number of lives sessions that are returned in the list.
OffsetDetermines which recording results will be returned, according to a specific place in the returned list. This value defines the recording’s place in the list and how many results will be skipped.
SearchReturns lives sessions that are filtered by properties that contain the specified search text.

Example Output

  "LiveSessions": [
      "CanTerminate": <true/false>,
      "CanMonitor": <true/false>,
      "CanSuspend": <true/false>,
      "SessionID": "<session id>",
      "SessionGuid": "<session guid>",
      "SafeName": "<Safe name>",
      "FolderName": "<folder>",
      "IsLive": <true/false>,
      "FileName": "<file name>",
      "Start": <timestamp>,
      "End": <timestamp>,
      "Duration": <seconds>,
      "User": "<user>",
      "RemoteMachine": "<IP address>",
      "ProtectionDate": <timestamp>,
      "ProtectedBy": "User who protected the recording",
      "ProtectionEnabled": <true/false>,
      "AccountUsername": "<user>",
      "AccountPlatformID": "<platform ID>",
      "AccountAddress": "<timestamp>",
      "PIMSuCommand": "<command>",
      "PIMSuCWD": "<Current Working Directory>",
      "ConnectionComponentID": "<ID>",
      "PSMRecordingEntity": "<Recording entity>",
      "TicketID": "<ID>",
      "FromIP": "<timestamp>",
      "Protocol": "<protocol>",
      "Client": "<client>",
      "RiskScore": <score>,
      "Severity": "<severity>",
      "IncidentDetails": <details>,
      "RawProperties": {
        "Address": "<IP address>",
        "ConnectionComponentID": "ID",
        "DeviceType": "device type",
        "EntityVersion": "<version>",
        "ExpectedRecordingsList": "<list>",
        "PolicyID": "<policy ID>",
        "ProviderID": "<ID>",
        "PSMClientApp": "<PSMClientApp>",
        "PSMPasswordID": "<ID>",
        "PSMProtocol": "<protocol>",
        "PSMRecordingEntity": "<PSMRecordingEntity>",
        "PSMRemoteMachine": "<timestamp>",
        "PSMSafeID": "<ID>",
        "PSMSourceAddress": "<timestamp>",
        "PSMStartTime": "<timestamp>",
        "PSMStatus": "Placeholder",
        "PSMVaultUserName": "<user>",
        "UserName": "<user>",
        "Safe": "<Safe>",
        "Folder": "<folder>",
        "Name": "<session name>"
      "RecordingFiles": [<files>],
      "RecordedActivities": [<activities>],
      "VideoSize": <size>,
      "TextSize": <size>,
      "DetailsUrl": "<URL>"
  "Total": <total>

Workflow Library Example

List Active Sessions with Cyberark and Send Results Via Email

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