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Get Active Session

Retrieve the details of an active session.


Live Session IDThe unique ID of the active PSM session.

Example Output

"LiveSessions": [
"CanTerminate": <true/false>,
"CanMonitor": <true/false>,
"CanSuspend": <true/false>,
"SessionID": "<session id>",
"SessionGuid": "<session guid>",
"SafeName": "<Safe name>",
"FolderName": "<folder>",
"IsLive": <true/false>,
"FileName": "<file name>",
"Start": <timestamp>,
"End": <timestamp>,
"Duration": <seconds>,
"User": "<user>",
"RemoteMachine": "<IP address>",
"ProtectionDate": <timestamp>,
"ProtectedBy": "User who protected the recording",
"ProtectionEnabled": <true/false>,
"AccountUsername": "<user>",
"AccountPlatformID": "<platform ID>",
"AccountAddress": "<timestamp>",
"PIMSuCommand": "<command>",
"PIMSuCWD": "<Current Working Directory>",
"ConnectionComponentID": "<ID>",
"PSMRecordingEntity": "<Recording entity>",
"TicketID": "<ID>",
"FromIP": "<timestamp>",
"Protocol": "<protocol>",
"Client": "<client>",
"RiskScore": <score>,
"Severity": "<severity>",
"IncidentDetails": <details>,
"RawProperties": {
"Address": "<IP address>",
"ConnectionComponentID": "ID",
"DeviceType": "device type",
"EntityVersion": "<version>",
"ExpectedRecordingsList": "<list>",
"PolicyID": "<policy ID>",
"ProviderID": "<ID>",
"PSMClientApp": "<PSMClientApp>",
"PSMPasswordID": "<ID>",
"PSMProtocol": "<protocol>",
"PSMRecordingEntity": "<PSMRecordingEntity>",
"PSMRemoteMachine": "<timestamp>",
"PSMSafeID": "<ID>",
"PSMSourceAddress": "<timestamp>",
"PSMStartTime": "<timestamp>",
"PSMStatus": "Placeholder",
"PSMVaultUserName": "<user>",
"UserName": "<user>",
"Safe": "<Safe>",
"Folder": "<folder>",
"Name": "<session name>"
"RecordingFiles": [<files>],
"RecordedActivities": [<activities>],
"VideoSize": <size>,
"TextSize": <size>,
"DetailsUrl": "<URL>"
"Total": <total>

Workflow Library Example

Get Active Session with Cyberark and Send Results Via Email

Workflow LibraryPreview this Workflow on desktop