To learn more, visit the Confluence Data Center documentation.

Basic Parameters

Space KeyThe space key to find content under.
TitleThe title of the page to find.
TypeThe content type to return.

Advanced Parameters

ExpandA comma-separated list of properties to expand on the content. For more information see Confluence documentation.
LimitThe limit of the number of items to return.
Posting DayThe posting day of the blog post. Required for blogpost type.
StartThe start point of the collection to return.
StatusA comma-separated list of statuses the content to be found is in.

Example Output

{    "limit": 25,    "next": "http://localhost:8085/rest/api/../paginate?limit=25\u0026start=50",    "nextCursor": {        "cursorType": "string",        "reverse": false    },    "pageRequest": {        "cursor": {            "cursorType": "string",            "reverse": false        },        "limit": 0,        "start": 0    },    "prev": "http://localhost:8085/rest/api/../paginate?limit=25\u0026start=0",    "prevCursor": {        "cursorType": "string",        "reverse": false    },    "results": [        {            "ancestors": [                null            ],            "body": {},            "children": {},            "container": "",            "containerRef": {                "expanded": false,                "idProperties": {}            },            "descendants": {},            "extensions": {                "key": "value"            },            "history": {                "contentParentRef": {                    "expanded": false,                    "idProperties": {}                },                "contributors": {                    "expanded": false,                    "idProperties": {}                },                "createdBy": {                    "displayName": "Joe Smith",                    "profilePicture": {                        "height": 16,                        "isDefault": true,                        "path": "",                        "width": 16                    },                    "type": "string"                },                "createdDate": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",                "lastUpdated": {                    "expanded": false,                    "idProperties": {}                },                "lastUpdatedRef": {                    "expanded": false,                    "idProperties": {}                },                "latest": true,                "nextVersion": {                    "expanded": false,                    "idProperties": {}                },                "nextVersionRef": {                    "expanded": false,                    "idProperties": {}                },                "previousVersion": {                    "expanded": false,                    "idProperties": {}                },                "previousVersionRef": {                    "expanded": false,                    "idProperties": {}                }            },            "historyRef": {                "expanded": false,                "idProperties": {}            },            "id": "123456",            "links": {                "webui": ""            },            "metadata": {                "key": "value"            },            "operations": [                {                    "operation": "read",                    "targetType": "page"                }            ],            "position": 1,            "restrictions": {                "use": {                    "operation": "use",                    "restrictions": []                }            },            "space": {                "description": {},                "homepage": {                    "expanded": false,                    "idProperties": {}                },                "icon": {                    "expanded": false,                    "idProperties": {}                },                "id": 123456,                "key": "TEST",                "links": {},                "metadata": {                    "labels": [                        "label1",                        "label2"                    ]                },                "name": "Test Space",                "retentionPolicy": {                    "expanded": false,                    "idProperties": {}                },                "status": "current",                "type": "global"            },            "spaceRef": {                "expanded": false,                "idProperties": {}            },            "status": "current",            "title": "My Page",            "type": "page",            "version": {                "by": {                    "displayName": "Joe Smith",                    "profilePicture": {                        "height": 16,                        "isDefault": true,                        "path": "",                        "width": 16                    },                    "type": "string"                },                "content": {                    "expanded": false,                    "idProperties": {}                },                "contentRef": {                    "expanded": false,                    "idProperties": {}                },                "hidden": true,                "message": "A message",                "minorEdit": true,                "number": 1,                "syncRev": "123456",                "when": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"            },            "versionRef": {                "expanded": false,                "idProperties": {}            }        }    ],    "self": "http://localhost:8085/rest/api/../paginate?limit=25\u0026start=25",    "start": 25}

Workflow Library Example

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