Create content or publish a content draft.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the Confluence Data Center documentation.

Basic Parameters

BodyThe body of the content.
TitleThe title of the content.
TypeThe type of the content.

Advanced Parameters

AncestorsA comma-separated list of the ancestors objects of the content.
ChildrenThe children of the content.
ContainerThe container of the content.
Container ReferenceThe container Reference of the content.
Content Draft IDThe id of the content draft. If provided, publishes the draft with the given information.
DescendantsThe descendants of the content.
ExtensionsThe extensions of the content.
HistoryThe history of the content. For more information see Confluence documentation. For example:{ "latest": true, "createdBy": { "profilePicture": {}, "displayName": "Joe Smith", "type": "<string>" }, "createdDate": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z", "contributors": { "idProperties": {}, "expanded": true }}
History ReferenceThe history reference of the content.
LinksThe links of the content. For Example:{ "webui": ""}
MetadataThe metadata of the content.
OperationsAn array of the operations of the content. For Example: [ { "operation": "read", "targetType": "page" } ]
PositionThe position of the content.
RestrictionsThe restrictions of the content.
SpaceThe space of the content. For more information see Confluence documentation. For example:{ "id": 123456, "key": "TEST", "name": "Test Space", "status": "current", "homepage": { "idProperties": {}, "expanded": true }}
Space ReferenceThe space reference of the content.
StatusThe status of the content.
VersionThe version of the content. For more information see Confluence documentation. For example:{ "by": { "profilePicture": {}, "displayName": "Joe Smith", "type": "<string>" }, "when": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z", "message": "A message", "number": 1, "minorEdit": true, "hidden": true, "syncRev": "123456"}
Version ReferenceThe version reference of the content.

Example Output

	"id": "123456",
	"type": "page",
	"status": "current",
	"title": "My Page",
	"links": {
		"webui": ""
	"space": {
		"id": 123456,
		"key": "TEST",
		"name": "Test Space",
		"status": "current",
		"icon": {
			"idProperties": {},
			"expanded": true
		"description": {},
		"homepage": {
			"idProperties": {},
			"expanded": true
		"links": {},
		"type": "global",
		"metadata": {
			"labels": [
		"retentionPolicy": {
			"idProperties": {},
			"expanded": true
	"history": {
		"previousVersion": {
			"idProperties": {},
			"expanded": true
		"nextVersion": {
			"idProperties": {},
			"expanded": true
		"lastUpdated": {
			"idProperties": {},
			"expanded": true
		"latest": true,
		"createdBy": {
			"profilePicture": {},
			"displayName": "Joe Smith",
			"type": "<string>"
		"createdDate": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
		"contributors": {
			"idProperties": {},
			"expanded": true
		"lastUpdatedRef": {
			"idProperties": {},
			"expanded": true
		"nextVersionRef": {
			"idProperties": {},
			"expanded": true
		"previousVersionRef": {
			"idProperties": {},
			"expanded": true
		"contentParentRef": {
			"idProperties": {},
			"expanded": true
	"version": {
		"by": {
			"profilePicture": {},
			"displayName": "Joe Smith",
			"type": "<string>"
		"when": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
		"message": "A message",
		"number": 1,
		"minorEdit": true,
		"hidden": true,
		"syncRev": "123456",
		"content": {
			"idProperties": {},
			"expanded": true
		"contentRef": {
			"idProperties": {},
			"expanded": true
	"ancestors": [],
	"position": 1,
	"operations": [
			"operation": "read",
			"targetType": "page"
	"children": {},
	"descendants": {},
	"body": {},
	"metadata": {
		"key": "value"
	"extensions": {
		"key": "value"
	"restrictions": {
		"use": {
			"operation": "use",
			"restrictions": []

Workflow Library Example

Create Content with Confluence Data Center and Send Results Via Email

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