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Update Scorecard

Updates a scorecard.


Component Label NamesA comma-separated list of label names.
Component TypeThe new type.
DescriptionThe new scorecard description.
ImportanceThe new importance.
NameThe new scorecard name.
Owner IDThe new owner's ID.
Scorecard IDThe unique internal ID.

Example Output

"data": {
"compass": {
"updateScorecard": {
"success": true,
"scorecardDetails": {
"id": "ari:cloud:compass:f76f31ea-43d4-40ee-98e8-2fcc90f19324:scorecard/222a3b0b-da6f-4622-99c4-7eb55a6dfb69/8ef553b3-48c8-43a7-934f-5f2acc9dab39",
"name": "32bfed1c-bc82-401b-9f01-2bfbd5bb86c5",
"description": "Updated Scorecard",
"importance": "REQUIRED",
"componentTypeIds": [
"owner": {
"name": "MyPlugin Account"
"extensions": {
"gateway": {
"request_id": "fe0b78099a164c27a88e965178723e01",
"crossRegion": false,
"edgeCrossRegion": false

Workflow Library Example

Update Scorecard with Compass and Send Results Via Email

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