Basic Parameters

Cloud IDThe unique Cloud ID of your Atlassian site. Can be retrieved using “Get Cloud ID”.

Advanced Parameters

Filter NameThe name of the field to apply the filter. The valid field names are compass:tier, labels, ownerId, score and type.
Filter ValueThe filter value to apply.When using “in” operator, the value need to be in the following format:[“OTHER”,“SERVICE”]In any other case:“SERVICE”
OperatorThe filter operator to apply.
QueryText query to search against.
Sort BySorting parameter for the results to be searched for. The default is by ranked results.
Sort OrderSorting order for the results to be searched for.

Example Output

{    "data": {        "compass": {            "searchComponents": {                "nodes": [                    {                        "link": "https://{your-subdomain}",                        "component": {                            "id": "ari:cloud:compass:f12f34ea-56d7-89ee-98e7-6fcc54f13214:component/f12f34ea-56d7-89ee-98e7-6fcc54f13214/f12f34ea-56d7-89ee-98e7-6fcc54f13214",                            "name": "Test Component",                            "description": null,                            "typeId": "SERVICE",                            "ownerId": "ari:cloud:teams::team/f12f34ea-56d7-89ee-98e7-6fcc54f13214"                        }                    }                ],                "pageInfo": {                    "hasNextPage": false,                    "endCursor": null                },                "totalCount": 1            }        }    },    "extensions": {        "gateway": {            "request_id": "123aa4a5d6789ada",            "crossRegion": false,            "edgeCrossRegion": false,            "deprecatedFieldsUsed": []        }    }}

Workflow Library Example

List Components with Compass and Send Results Via Email

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