
Access Group IDThe access group ID.
Account IDThe account ID to perform the action on.
ExcludeRules evaluated with a NOT logical operator. To match a policy, a user cannot meet any of the Exclude rules.
IncludeRules evaluated with an OR logical operator. A user needs to meet only one of the Include rules.
NameThe name of the Access group.
RequireRules evaluated with an AND logical operator. To match a policy, a user must meet all of the Require rules.

Example Output

{    "errors": [],    "messages": [],    "result": {        "created_at": "2014-01-01T05:20:00.12345Z",        "exclude": [            {                "email": {                    "email": ""                }            }        ],        "id": null,        "include": [            {                "email": {                    "email": ""                }            }        ],        "name": "Allow devs",        "require": [            {                "email": {                    "email": ""                }            }        ],        "updated_at": "2014-01-01T05:20:00.12345Z"    },    "success": true}

Workflow Library Example

Update Access Group with Cloudflare and Send Results Via Email

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