To learn more, visit the Checkmarx One documentation.

Basic Parameters

BranchesFilter results by the names of the Git branches that were scanned.
From DateFilter for the earliest date and time of a scan for which you would like to show results.
GroupsFilter results by Group IDs of the user groups assigned to the project that was scanned. Only exact matches are returned.
Project IDFilter results for scans of a single project, specified by project ID.
Project IDsFilter results for scans of multiple projects, specified by project IDs.
Project NamesFilter scans by their project name.
Return All PagesAutomatically fetch all resources, page by page.
SearchFilter by a string that is a partial match (sub-string) for any of the scan parameters.
SortSort results by the specified parameter. The operators ’+/-’ are for ascending/descending order, followed by the parameter.Note you can only sort by maximun 3 values from the following options:- -created_at
  • +created_at
  • -status
  • +status
  • +branch
  • -branch
  • +initiator
  • -initiator
  • +user_agent
  • -user_agent
  • +name
  • -nameDefault: +created_at,+status | | To Date | Filter for the latest date and time of a scan for which you would like to show results. |

Advanced Parameters

LimitThe maximum number of results to return.default_value: 20
OffsetThe offset of the returned results.

Example Output

{    "filteredTotalCount": 8,    "scans": [        {            "branch": "main",            "createdAt": "2024-06-19T07:54:11.017877Z",            "engines": [                "sast",                "sca",                "kics",                "apisec"            ],            "id": "d9b08baf-0ff0-4538-8662-74bfd698a865",            "initiator": "username",            "metadata": {                "Handler": {                    "GitHandler": {                        "branch": "main",                        "credentials": {                            "type": "apiKey",                            "username": "fakeUser",                            "value": "fakeAPIKey"                        },                        "repo_url": ""                    }                },                "configs": [                    {                        "type": "sast",                        "value": {                            "incremental": "false",                            "presetName": ""                        }                    },                    {                        "type": "sca"                    },                    {                        "type": "kics"                    },                    {                        "type": "apisec"                    }                ],                "created_at": {                    "nanos": 875298611,                    "seconds": 1718783650                },                "id": "d9b08baf-0ff0-4538-8662-74bfd698a865",                "project": {                    "id": "project123"                },                "type": "git"            },            "projectId": "project123",            "projectName": "Demo-Organization/repository-example",            "sourceOrigin": "Push Webhook",            "sourceType": "github",            "status": "Completed",            "statusDetails": [                {                    "details": "",                    "endDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",                    "name": "general",                    "startDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",                    "status": "Completed"                },                {                    "details": "",                    "endDate": "2024-06-19T07:57:52.282002Z",                    "loc": 80623,                    "name": "sast",                    "startDate": "2024-06-19T07:54:16.378731Z",                    "status": "Completed"                },                {                    "details": "",                    "endDate": "2024-06-19T08:00:36.013493Z",                    "name": "sca",                    "startDate": "2024-06-19T07:54:16.377692Z",                    "status": "Completed"                },                {                    "details": "",                    "endDate": "2024-06-19T07:54:22.745865Z",                    "name": "kics",                    "startDate": "2024-06-19T07:54:16.377162Z",                    "status": "Completed"                },                {                    "details": "",                    "endDate": "2024-06-19T07:57:53.673958Z",                    "name": "apisec",                    "startDate": "2024-06-19T07:57:52.309615Z",                    "status": "Completed"                }            ],            "tags": {},            "updatedAt": "2024-06-19T08:00:36.231416Z",            "userAgent": "grpc-java-netty/1.63.0"        }    ],    "totalCount": 8}

Workflow Library Example

Retrieve List of Scans with Checkmarx One and Send Results Via Email

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