Retrieve new findings in your Brinqa instance.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the Brinqa documentation.

Example Output

  "data": {
    "findings": [
        "connectorNames": ["Qualys Vulnerability Management"],
        "firstFound": "2016-07-24T18:05:32Z",
        "id": "1688658462571626517",
        "riskRating": "Medium",
        "statusCategory": "Closed",
        "type": {
          "name": "OpenSSH GSSAPI Credential Disclosure Vulnerability",
          "openFindingCount": 8,
          "patchAvailable": true,
          "recommendation": "This issue affects versions of OpenSSH prior to 4.2. The vendor released OpenSSH version 4.2 to address this issue..."
        "connectorNames": ["Brinqa Connect", "Brinqa Manual Entry"],
        "firstFound": "2022-03-22T00:00:00Z",
        "id": "1687513571912466447",
        "riskRating": "Low",
        "statusCategory": "Closed"
      // ... other findings ...

Workflow Library Example

Retrieve New Findings with Brinqa and Send Results Via Email

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