Search Bitsight companies, either by the company name, industry or ID(s).


Filter KeyThe key by which to search for companies.
Filter ValueThe value by which to filter results.

Example Output

	"links": {
		"next": null,
		"previous": null
	"count": 2,
	"results": [
			"guid": "uuid",
			"name": "Example Name",
			"industry": "Technology",
			"industry_slug": "technology",
			"primary_domain": "",
			"description": "Example description.",
			"website": ""
			"guid": "bcd53e4d-9a5a-4dec-9294-9750eb8544dd",
			"name": "tempexamplename, LLC",
			"industry": "Business Services",
			"industry_slug": "business_services",
			"primary_domain": "",
			"description": "Example description.",
			"website": ""

Workflow Library Example

Search Companies with Bitsight and Send Results Via Email

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