Get a user by a given ID.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the Authentik documentation.


User IDThe ID of user. Can be obtained by the List Users action.

Example Output

	"attributes": {},
	"avatar": "User's avatar, either a http/https URL or a data URI",
	"email": "Email address",
	"groups": [
	"groups_obj": [
			"attributes": {},
			"is_superuser": false,
			"name": "string",
			"num_pk": 0,
			"parent": "uuid",
			"parent_name": "string",
			"pk": "Group uuid"
	"is_active": false,
	"is_superuser": false,
	"last_login": "date-time",
	"name": "User's display name.",
	"path": "string",
	"pk": 0,
	"type": "string",
	"uid": "string",
	"username": "string",
	"uuid": "uuid"

Workflow Library Example

Get User with Authentik and Send Results Via Email

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