Create a group.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the Authentik documentation.

Basic Parameters

Group NameThe group’s name.
Is SuperuserIs the group considered as a superuser group.
UsersA comma separated list of the group’s user IDs. Can be obtained by the List Users action.

Advanced Parameters

AttributesThe additional attributes of the group.
ParentThe ID of the group’s parent.
RolesA comma separated list of the group’s role IDs.

Example Output

	"attributes": {},
	"is_superuser": false,
	"name": "string",
	"num_pk": 0,
	"parent": "uuid",
	"parent_name": "string",
	"pk": "Group uuid",
	"roles": [
	"roles_obj": [
			"name": "string",
			"pk": "Uuid"
	"users": [
	"users_obj": [
			"attributes": {},
			"email": "Email address",
			"is_active": false,
			"last_login": "date-time",
			"name": "User's display name.",
			"pk": 0,
			"uid": "string",
			"username": "Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only."

Workflow Library Example

Create Group with Authentik and Send Results Via Email

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