
Account ID FilterFilter recommendations based on the linked account ID.
Account KeyWhich account key to use for authentication.Must be used with a valid Division ID.If not provided, will default to use the first Account Key and Division ID found.
Division IDWhich division ID to use for authentication.Must be used with a valid Account Key.If not provided, will default to use the first Account Key and Division ID found.
Type FilterFilter recommendations based on type.

Example Output

[    {        "max_cpu_util": "0.8",        "region": "us-east-1",        "operation_system": "Linux/UNIX",        "resource_name": "",        "total_cost_recommended": "0",        "resource_tags": {            "createdBy": "",            "Resource_Name": "",            "stack": "production"        },        "initial_creation_date": "2022-06-12",        "resource_id": "i-0fbec9ade54277c5f",        "linked_account_name": "Production",        "signature": "340481513670#|#340481513670#|#ec2-idle#|#i-0fbec9ade54277c5f",        "total_cost_current": "389.86",        "sp_coverage": "0.0",        "instance_type_size": "2xlarge",        "network_out": 1,        "recommendation_creation_time": "2022-06-30 22:34:25",        "max_network": 10,        "ri_coverage": "100.0",        "network_in_statistics_usage": {            "2022-06-08": "0.22"        },        "sp_savings": false,        "instance_type_model": "r5ad",        "starting_time": "2022-06-30 22:34:04",        "last_process_date": "2022-06-29",        "num_of_days": 30,        "action": "Terminate",        "cpu_util_statistics_usage": {            "2022-06-08": "0.6683333333333333"        },        "account_id": "340481513670",        "ri_savings": true,        "linked_account_id": "340481513670",        "service": "Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud",        "network_in": 1,        "recommendation_update_time": "2022-06-30 22:34:25",        "uuid": "92ab0dcc-5dee-4df2-b186-4b246293b3c8",        "potential_savings": "100.0",        "recommendation_status_id": 0,        "network_out_statistics_usage": {            "2022-06-08": "1.3"        },        "type": "ec2-idle"    }]

Workflow Library Example

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