To learn more, visit the AlgoSec Firewall Analyzer documentation.


EntityThe display name of the device, group, or matrix.For example: Dev-GW-R71Test1.
Entity TypeThe type of the entity.

Example Output

[    {        "name": "FDT1",        "type": "DEVICE",        "rules": [            {                "ruleNum": "6",                "ruleId": "005056AE_94F6_0ed3_0000_000268434437",                "deviceID": 52650,                "source": [                    "net_object-"                ],                "isNegateSource": false,                "destination": [                    "net_object-"                ],                "isNegateDestination": false,                "service": [                    "ser_object-tcp-84-87"                ],                "isNegateService": false,                "action": "Allow",                "enable": "enabled",                "log": "1",                "application": [                    "any"                ],                "user": [                    "any"                ]            },            {                "ruleNum": "7",                "ruleId": "005056AE_94F6_0ed3_0000_000268434438",                "deviceID": 52650,                "source": [                    "ip-"                ],                "isNegateSource": false,                "destination": [                    "ip-"                ],                "isNegateDestination": false,                "service": [                    "ser_group1"                ],                "isNegateService": false,                "action": "Allow",                "enable": "enabled",                "log": "1",                "application": [                    "any"                ],                "user": [                    "any"                ]            }        ]    }]

Workflow Library Example

List Rules with Algosec Firewall Analyzer and Send Results Via Email

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