Counts the number of times a specific rule or rules were triggered on a specific device.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the AlgoSec Firewall Analyzer documentation.

Basic Parameters

Device Tree NameTree name of the device. Can be obtained via List Devices action.
End TimeCount the number of hits that occurred before this time.
Filter ByDetermines whether to filter results by: - Latest Report - Use the Start Time & End Time defined in the latest report. - Custom Time Frame - Specify your own Start Time & End Time.
Rule IDsA comma separated or JSON list of Rule IDs for which to collect hit counts.
Start TimeCount the number of hits that occurred after this time.

Advanced Parameters

PageSpecifies the page of results to retrieve.
Page SizeThe number of results to display per page.
Reverse SortIf checked, the results will be sorted by rules with the least hits first.

Example Output

	"status": "OK",
	"data": {
		"deviceTreeName": "MyDevice",
		"ruleIds": {
			"content": [
					"ruleId": "from_dmz_to_untrust_name_119",
					"count": 11937
					"ruleId": "from_untrust_to_dmz_name_153",
					"count": 10371
					"ruleId": "from_untrust_to_dmz_name_166",
					"count": 8942
					"ruleId": "from_dmz_to_untrust_name_154",
					"count": 6513
					"ruleId": "from_untrust_to_dmz_name_150",
					"count": 73
			"number": 0,
			"size": 900,
			"totalElements": 35,
			"pageable": {
				"sort": {
					"sorted": false,
					"unsorted": true,
					"empty": true
				"pageNumber": 0,
				"pageSize": 900,
				"offset": 0,
				"paged": true,
				"unpaged": false
			"last": true,
			"totalPages": 1,
			"sort": {
				"sorted": false,
				"unsorted": true,
				"empty": true
			"first": true,
			"numberOfElements": 35,
			"empty": false
		"startTime": 1,
		"endTime": 1974667654000
	"additionalInfo": {}

Workflow Library Example

Get Rule Hit Count with Algosec Firewall Analyzer and Send Results Via Email

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