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Get Current User

Get the authenticated user's information.

Example Output

"account": {
"id": "12345678",
"name": "Company Name",
"active": true,
"version": 1,
"accessible_locations": ["insight-us-virginia"],
"default_location": "insight-us-virginia",
"created": {
"at": 1430184599,
"by": "System"
"modified": {
"at": 1430184599,
"by": "System"
"entity_id": "715A4EC0-9833-4D6E-9C03-A537E3F98D23",
"entity_type": "user",
"requester_id": "12345678:user:715A4EC0-9833-4D6E-9C03-A537E3F98D23",
"roles": [
"id": "F578CCE5-9574-4489-BF05-A04075838DE3",
"account_id": "12345678",
"name": "Read Only",
"permissions": {
"*:own:list:*": "allowed",
"*:own:get:*": "allowed"
"legacy_permissions": [],
"version": 1,
"created": {
"at": 1430184599,
"by": "System"
"modified": {
"at": 1430184599,
"by": "System"
"token_expiration": 1524779722,
"user": {
"id": "715A4EC0-9833-4D6E-9C03-A537E3F98D23",
"account_id": "12345678",
"name": "Bob Dobalina",
"username": "",
"email": "",
"active": true,
"locked": false,
"version": 1,
"linked_users": [
"location": "defender-us-denver",
"user_id": 102
"created": {
"at": 1430185015,
"by": "System"
"modified": {
"at": 1430185015,
"by": "System"

Workflow Library Example

Get Current User with Alert Logic and Send Results Via Email

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