Update an investigation by it’s id.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the Agari Phishing Response documentation.

Basic Parameters

AssigneeThe user ID of the investigation’s assignee.
ClassificationThe classification of the investigation.
Investigation IDThe ID of the investigation. Can be obtained by the List Investigations action.
PriorityThe priority of the investigation.

Advanced Parameters

Add FieldsA comma-delimited list of optional fields to add to the default payload. See Agari’s Fields Language for more information.
FieldsComma-delimited list of fields to include in the payload.
Remove FieldsA comma-delimited list of optional fields to remove to the default payload. See Agari’s Fields Language for more information.
StateSet the state of the investigation.

Workflow Library Example

Update Investigation with Agari Phishing Response and Send Results Via Email

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