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Get Employee

Get information about an employee.


Employee OIDThe OID of the employee to retrieve. Can be obtained via the Search Employees action.

Example Output

"workers": [
"associateOID": "G3STHDEHFMJ3BY3N",
"workerID": {
"idValue": "2QFYYC4E"
"person": {
"birthDate": "0000-03-06",
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"shortName": "Male",
"longName": "Male"
"preferredGenderPronounCode": {
"codeValue": "He/Him/His",
"shortName": "He/Him/His",
"longName": "He/Him/His"
"disabledIndicator": false,
"preferredName": {
"givenName": "March",
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"otherPersonalAddresses": [
"itemID": "9201051006526_3",
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"codeValue": "Personal Address 2",
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"lineOne": "5806 test Parkway",
"cityName": "Alpharetta",
"countrySubdivisionLevel1": {
"subdivisionType": "StateTerritory",
"codeValue": "GA",
"shortName": "Georgia"
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "30005"
"ethnicityCode": {
"codeValue": "4",
"shortName": "4",
"longName": "Not Hispanic or Latino"
"raceCode": {
"identificationMethodCode": {
"codeValue": "VID",
"shortName": "Visual ID"
"codeValue": "4",
"shortName": "Asian",
"longName": "Asian"
"militaryClassificationCodes": [],
"customFieldGroup": {
"amountFields": [
"itemID": "9200517787213_1",
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"shortName": "Sample money"
"amountValue": 95496,
"currencyCode": "AED"
"codeFields": [
"itemID": "9200509420932_1",
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"codeValue": "HRBP",
"shortName": "HRBP"
"codeValue": "2 - Kiran Saini",
"shortName": "2 - Kiran Saini"
"itemID": "9200345625732_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Remote",
"shortName": "Remote"
"codeValue": "Not Remote",
"shortName": "Not Remote"
"dateFields": [
"itemID": "9201045570621_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Test Custom Date",
"shortName": "Test Custom Date"
"dateValue": "2023-04-22"
"itemID": "9200529906076_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Test Date",
"shortName": "Test Date"
"dateValue": "2023-04-22"
"indicatorFields": [
"itemID": "9200517787196_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Sample yes/no",
"shortName": "Sample yes/no"
"indicatorValue": false
"itemID": "9200347013760_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "riteTIME",
"shortName": "riteTIME"
"indicatorValue": true
"numberFields": [
"itemID": "9200530390023_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Variable pay amount",
"shortName": "Variable pay amount"
"numberValue": 872364
"itemID": "13916651_189",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Shoe Size",
"shortName": "Shoe Size"
"numberValue": 7
"itemID": "9200530390026_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Bonus amount",
"shortName": "Bonus amount"
"numberValue": 723465
"percentFields": [
"itemID": "9200517787202_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Sample percent",
"shortName": "Sample percent"
"percentValue": 99
"stringFields": [
"itemID": "9201056620422_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "sample test2",
"shortName": "sample test2"
"telephoneFields": [
"itemID": "9200517787190_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Sample phone number",
"shortName": "Sample phone number"
"formattedNumber": "8734650000"
"multiCodeFields": [
"itemID": "9200345625820_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Remote (Choice)",
"shortName": "Remote (Choice)"
"codes": [
"codeValue": "Not Remote",
"shortName": "Not Remote",
"longName": "Not Remote"
"governmentIDs": [
"itemID": "50070548N",
"idValue": "XXX-XX-7575",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "SSN",
"longName": "Social Security Number"
"countryCode": "US"
"legalName": {
"nickName": "March",
"givenName": "TestNamechange",
"middleName": "P",
"familyName1": "Manor",
"formattedName": "Manor, TestNamechange P"
"legalAddress": {
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Personal Address 1",
"shortName": "Personal Address 1",
"longName": "Personal Address 1"
"lineOne": "5803 Windward Parkway",
"cityName": "Alpharetta",
"countrySubdivisionLevel1": {
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"codeValue": "GA",
"shortName": "Georgia"
"countrySubdivisionLevel2": {
"subdivisionType": "County",
"codeValue": "Fulton County",
"shortName": "Fulton County"
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "30005"
"communication": {
"mobiles": [
"itemID": "9201063055569_22",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Personal Cell",
"shortName": "Personal Cell"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "240",
"dialNumber": "4567896",
"access": "1",
"formattedNumber": "(240) 456-7896"
"pagers": [
"itemID": "9201063055569_24",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Personal Pager",
"shortName": "Personal Pager"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "407",
"dialNumber": "4567896",
"extension": "450",
"access": "1",
"formattedNumber": "(407) 456-7896 450"
"emails": [
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Personal E-mail",
"shortName": "Personal E-mail"
"emailUri": "",
"notificationIndicator": true
"workerDates": {
"originalHireDate": "2020-03-18",
"rehireDate": "2023-06-22"
"workerStatus": {
"statusCode": {
"codeValue": "Active"
"businessCommunication": {
"emails": [
"itemID": "Business",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Work E-mail",
"shortName": "Work E-mail"
"emailUri": "",
"notificationIndicator": false
"workAssignments": [
"itemID": "50070548N",
"primaryIndicator": true,
"hireDate": "2023-06-22",
"actualStartDate": "2023-06-22",
"assignmentStatus": {
"statusCode": {
"codeValue": "A",
"shortName": "Active",
"longName": "Active"
"reasonCode": {
"codeValue": "CURR",
"shortName": "Existing Position"
"effectiveDate": "2023-06-22"
"jobCode": {
"codeValue": "AA",
"longName": "Administrative Assistant"
"jobTitle": "Administrative Assistant",
"occupationalClassifications": [
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "EEOC",
"shortName": "EEOC"
"classificationCode": {
"codeValue": "5",
"longName": "Administrative Support Workers"
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Job Class",
"shortName": "Job Class"
"classificationCode": {
"codeValue": "CL",
"shortName": "Clerical"
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "NAICS",
"shortName": "NAICS"
"classificationCode": {
"codeValue": "541000",
"shortName": "Professional Service"
"industryClassifications": [
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "NAICS",
"shortName": "NAICS"
"classificationCode": {
"codeValue": "541000",
"shortName": "Professional Service"
"wageLawCoverage": {
"wageLawNameCode": {
"codeValue": "FLSA",
"longName": "Fair Labor Standards Act"
"coverageCode": {
"codeValue": "N",
"shortName": "N"
"positionID": "BOQ990442",
"workerTimeProfile": {
"timeAndAttendanceIndicator": false
"payCycleCode": {
"codeValue": "B",
"shortName": "Biweekly"
"standardPayPeriodHours": {
"hoursQuantity": 80
"baseRemuneration": {
"hourlyRateAmount": {
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Hourly",
"shortName": "Hourly"
"amountValue": 40,
"currencyCode": "USD"
"annualRateAmount": {
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "ANNUAL",
"shortName": "ANNUAL"
"amountValue": 83200,
"currencyCode": "USD"
"effectiveDate": "2023-06-07"
"payrollProcessingStatusCode": {
"shortName": "Paid"
"payrollGroupCode": "BOQ",
"payrollScheduleGroupID": "Use Period End Date 1 on checks",
"payrollFileNumber": "990442",
"payGradeCode": {
"codeValue": "AXA",
"shortName": "Administrative"
"payGradePayRange": {
"minimumRate": {
"amountValue": 20000
"medianRate": {
"amountValue": 32500
"maximumRate": {
"amountValue": 45000
"managementPositionIndicator": false,
"jobFunctionCode": {
"codeValue": "AD",
"shortName": "Administration"
"customFieldGroup": {
"amountFields": [
"itemID": "9200492369665_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Stipend Home Office3",
"shortName": "Stipend Home Office3"
"codeFields": [
"itemID": "9200354645851_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Comission",
"shortName": "Comission"
"itemID": "9200336968135_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "code-test",
"shortName": "code-test"
"dateFields": [
"itemID": "9201063246480_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "code-date",
"shortName": "code-date"
"indicatorFields": [
"itemID": "9201063249499_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "code-indicator",
"shortName": "code-indicator"
"numberFields": [
"itemID": "9201036658290_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Testing Bonus",
"shortName": "Testing Bonus"
"percentFields": [
"itemID": "9201063639972_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "code-percent",
"shortName": "code-percent"
"stringFields": [
"itemID": "2057329100_260",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Drivers License",
"shortName": "Drivers License"
"telephoneFields": [
"itemID": "9201063674011_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "code-phone",
"shortName": "code-phone"
"meta": null,
"confirmMessage": null

Workflow Library Example

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