
BodyThe request body details to create a new employee.For more information, please visit the Create an Employee API documentation.
Role CodeThe role the user is playing during the request.

Example Output

{    "events": [        {            "data": {                "output": {                    "worker": {                        "associateOID": "G3S148EJAM8SM20D",                        "person": {                            "birthDate": "1981-01-01",                            "genderCode": {                                "codeValue": "M"                            },                            "maritalStatusCode": {                                "codeValue": "S"                            },                            "socialInsurancePrograms": [                                {                                    "nameCode": {                                        "codeValue": "Medicare"                                    },                                    "coveredIndicator": true                                }                            ],                            "tobaccoUserIndicator": false,                            "raceCode": {                                "identificationMethodCode": {                                    "codeValue": "SID"                                },                                "codeValue": "1"                            },                            "governmentIDs": [                                {                                    "idValue": "675-43-3313",                                    "nameCode": {                                        "codeValue": "SSN"                                    },                                    "countryCode": "US"                                }                            ],                            "legalName": {                                "preferredSalutations": [                                    {                                        "salutationCode": {                                            "codeValue": "Mr",                                            "shortName": "Mr"                                        },                                        "typeCode": {                                            "codeValue": "S",                                            "shortName": "Social"                                        }                                    }                                ],                                "givenName": "test313",                                "middleName": "two",                                "familyName1": "NewHire"                            },                            "legalAddress": {                                "lineOne": "line 1",                                "lineTwo": "line 2",                                "lineThree": "Address line 3",                                "cityName": "New Jersey",                                "countrySubdivisionLevel1": {                                    "codeValue": "NJ"                                },                                "countryCode": "US",                                "postalCode": "30041"                            },                            "communication": {                                "landlines": [                                    {                                        "nameCode": {                                            "codeValue": "Home Phone"                                        },                                        "countryDialing": "1",                                        "areaDialing": "973",                                        "dialNumber": "2345432"                                    }                                ],                                "mobiles": [                                    {                                        "nameCode": {                                            "codeValue": "Personal Cell"                                        },                                        "countryDialing": "1",                                        "areaDialing": "770",                                        "dialNumber": "2398790",                                        "access": ""                                    }                                ],                                "faxes": [                                    {                                        "nameCode": {                                            "codeValue": "Home Fax"                                        },                                        "countryDialing": "91",                                        "areaDialing": "770",                                        "dialNumber": "2345432890890790",                                        "access": "429"                                    }                                ],                                "emails": [                                    {                                        "emailUri": ""                                    }                                ]                            }                        },                        "businessCommunication": {                            "landlines": [                                {                                    "nameCode": {                                        "codeValue": "Work Phone"                                    },                                    "countryDialing": "91",                                    "areaDialing": "770",                                    "dialNumber": "2345432890890793",                                    "access": "429"                                }                            ],                            "mobiles": [                                {                                    "nameCode": {                                        "codeValue": "Work Cell"                                    },                                    "countryDialing": "91",                                    "areaDialing": "770",                                    "dialNumber": "2345432890890794",                                    "access": "429"                                }                            ],                            "faxes": [                                {                                    "nameCode": {                                        "codeValue": "Work Fax"                                    },                                    "countryDialing": "91",                                    "areaDialing": "770",                                    "dialNumber": "2345432890890795",                                    "access": "429"                                }                            ],                            "pagers": [                                {                                    "nameCode": {                                        "codeValue": "Work Pager"                                    },                                    "countryDialing": "91",                                    "areaDialing": "770",                                    "dialNumber": "2345432890890796",                                    "access": "429"                                }                            ],                            "emails": [                                {                                    "emailUri": ""                                }                            ]                        },                        "workAssignment": {                            "primaryIndicator": true,                            "hireDate": "2014-01-01",                            "assignmentCostCenters": [],                            "workerTypeCode": {                                "codeValue": "F"                            },                            "workerGroups": [                                {                                    "nameCode": {                                        "codeValue": "Benefits Eligibility Class"                                    },                                    "groupCode": {                                        "codeValue": " "                                    }                                }                            ],                            "jobCode": {                                "codeValue": "AA"                            },                            "occupationalClassifications": [],                            "industryClassifications": [],                            "wageLawCoverage": {                                "wageLawNameCode": {                                    "codeValue": "FLSA"                                },                                "coverageCode": {                                    "codeValue": "E"                                }                            },                            "fullTimeEquivalenceRatio": 0,                            "homeOrganizationalUnits": [                                {                                    "nameCode": {                                        "codeValue": "CORP"                                    },                                    "typeCode": {                                        "codeValue": "Business Unit"                                    }                                }                            ],                            "assignedOrganizationalUnits": [],                            "homeWorkLocation": {                                "nameCode": {                                    "codeValue": "US"                                }                            },                            "assignedWorkLocations": [],                            "payCycleCode": {                                "codeValue": "W"                            },                            "standardPayPeriodHours": {                                "hoursQuantity": 40                            },                            "baseRemuneration": {                                "payPeriodRateAmount": {                                    "nameCode": {                                        "codeValue": "S"                                    },                                    "amountValue": 12332                                }                            },                            "additionalRemunerations": [],                            "reportsTo": [],                            "payrollGroupCode": "BOQ",                            "payrollFileNumber": "071402",                            "payGradeCode": {                                "codeValue": ""                            },                            "customCountryInputs": [],                            "links": []                        }                    }                }            },            "links": []        }    ]}

Workflow Library Example

Create Employee with Adp and Send Results Via Email

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