A run performs a plan and apply, using a configuration version and the workspace’s current variables. You can specify a configuration version when creating a run; if you don’t provide one, the run defaults to the workspace’s most recently used version. (A configuration version is “used” when it is created or used for a run in this workspace).

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the Terraform Cloud documentation.


Allow Empty ApplySpecifies whether Terraform can apply the run even when the plan contains no changes. Often used to upgrade state after upgrading a workspace to a new terraform version.
Auto ApplyWhether to automatically apply changes when a Terraform plan is successful.
Configuration Version IDSpecifies the configuration version to use for this run. If the configuration-version object is omitted (left empty), the run will be created using the workspace’s latest configuration version.
MessageSpecifies the message associated with this run.
Plan-OnlySpecifies if this is a speculative, plan-only run that Terraform cannot apply. Often used in conjunction with terraform-version in order to test whether an upgrade would succeed.
RefreshWhether or not to refresh the state before a plan.
Replace AddressesSpecifies an optional list of resource addresses to be passed to the -replace flag. Of the form array[string].
Target AddressesSpecifies an optional list of resource addresses to be passed to the -target flag. Of the form array[string].
Terraform VersionSpecifies the Terraform version to use in this run. Only valid for plan-only runs; must be a valid Terraform version available to the organization.
TypeSpecifies if this plan is a destroy plan that will destroy all provisioned resources, a refresh-only plan which should refresh the state without modifying any resources or neither.
VariablesSpecifies an optional list of run-specific variable values. Refer to Run-Specific Variables for details. Of the form array[{key, value}] e.g. [{"key": "key1", "value": "value1"},{"key": "key2", "value": "value2"}].
Workspace IDSpecifies the workspace ID where the run will be executed.

Workflow Library Example

Create a Run with Terraform Cloud and Send Results Via Email

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