
DescriptionThe description for the device.
Group IDID of an existing group for the device to be a part of. Format - g<ID>.
NameThe name of the device.
PasswordPassword for the device.
Remote Control IDID of an existing remote control for the device to be a part of. Format - r<ID>.

Example Output

{    "alias": "string",    "assigned_to": false,    "description": "string",    "device_id": "string",    "groupid": "string",    "last_seen": "date-time",    "online_state": 0,    "policy_id": "string",    "remotecontrol_id": "string",    "supported_features": "string",    "teamviewer_id": 0,    "userid": "string"}

Workflow Library Example

Create Device with Teamviewer and Send Results Via Email

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