To learn more, visit the Splunk Observability documentation.


Muting Rule IDThe ID of a muting rule. Can be obtained from List Alert Muting Rules action.

Example Output

{    "created": 1556825430000,    "creator": "AAXYAAAAAZ3",    "description": "string",    "filters": [        {            "NOT": false,            "property": "aws_availability_zone",            "propertyValue": "us-east-1a"        },        {            "NOT": true,            "property": "cpu.utilization",            "propertyValue": 10.7        },        {            "NOT": false,            "property": "aws_availability_zone",            "propertyValue": [                "us-east-2a",                "us-west-1a",                "emea-west-2a"            ]        }    ],    "id": "string",    "lastUpdated": 1557689430000,    "lastUpdatedBy": "string",    "linkedTeams": [        "AbcdEf1ABCD",        "FO1Vq3ABXYZ"    ],    "sendAlertsOnceMutingPeriodHasEnded": true,    "startTime": 0,    "stopTime": 0}

Workflow Library Example

Unmute Alert Rule with Splunk Observability and Send Results Via Email

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