Basic Parameters

Exclude TypesThe String of list of types of events to be excluded.
From DateThe starting date from which alerts will be retrieved defined as Unix timestamp in UTC.Ignored if cursor is set. Must be within last 24 hours.

Advanced Parameters

CursorIdentifier for next item in the list, this value is available in response as next_cursor. Response will default to last 24 hours if cursor is not within last 24 hours.
LimitThe maximum number of items to return, default is 200, max is 1000.

Example Output

{    "has_more": false,    "items": [        {            "amsi_threat_data": {                "parentProcessId": "string",                "parentProcessPath": "string",                "processId": "string",                "processName": "string",                "processPath": "string"            },            "appCerts": [                {                    "signer": "string",                    "thumbprint": "string"                }            ],            "appSha256": "SHA 256 hash of the application associated with the threat, if available.",            "core_remedy_items": {                "items": [                    {                        "descriptor": "string",                        "result": "string",                        "type": "string"                    }                ],                "totalItems": 0            },            "created_at": "The date at which the event was created.",            "customer_id": "The identifier of the customer for which record is created.",            "details": [                {                    "property": "string",                    "type": "string"                }            ],            "endpoint_id": "The corresponding endpoint id associated with the record.",            "endpoint_type": "The corresponding endpoint type associated with the record.",            "group": "The group associated with the group.",            "id": "The Identifier for the event.",            "ips_threat_data": {                "detectionType": 0,                "executableName": "string",                "executablePath": "string",                "executablePid": "string",                "executableVersion": "string",                "localPort": "string",                "rawData": "string",                "remoteIp": "string",                "remotePort": "string",                "techSupportId": "string"            },            "location": "The location captured for this record.",            "name": "The name of the record created.",            "origin": "originating component of a detection.",            "severity": "The severity for this alert.",            "source": "The source for this record.",            "source_info": {},            "threat": "The threat associated with the record.",            "type": "The type of this record.",            "user_id": "The identifier of the user for which record is created.",            "when": "The date at which the event was created.",            "whitelist_properties": [                {                    "property": "string",                    "type": "string"                }            ]        }    ],    "next_cursor": "Value of the next cursor. This will be used to make next call of API."}

Workflow Library Example

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