This action has been deprecated and will no longer be available in new workflows.

Create a new thread by replying to a message in a channel or a private group or reply to an existing thread by providing the timestamp of the original message. NOTE: If the channel/group is private, the Blink application must be added to the channel to reply to messages in it.

Basic Parameters

ChannelChannel, private group, or IM channel to send message to. Can be an encoded ID, or a name.
TextMessage contents.
Thread TimestampThe timestamp value of the thread’s original message. Avoid using a reply’s timestamp value, use its parent instead.

Advanced Parameters

BlocksA JSON-based array of structured blocks.

Example Output

{    "ok": true,    "channel": "C01NMAE3R1D",    "ts": "1675699083.891499",    "message": {        "bot_id": "B02PJCV1QKB",        "type": "message",        "text": "example_reply",        "user": "U02P2RBCW6R",        "ts": "1675699083.891499",        "app_id": "A02NB62TUMN",        "blocks": [            {                "type": "rich_text",                "block_id": "GK195",                "elements": [                    {                        "type": "rich_text_section",                        "elements": [                            {                                "type": "text",                                "text": "example_reply"                            }                        ]                    }                ]            }        ],        "team": "T01NNABR4UW",        "bot_profile": {            "id": "B02PPCV1QKB",            "app_id": "A02NB62TUMN",            "name": "example",            "icons": {                "image_36": "",                "image_48": "",                "image_72": ""            },            "deleted": false,            "updated": 1639646274,            "team_id": "T01NVABR4UW"        },        "thread_ts": "1675697210.411979",        "parent_user_id": "U02PPRBCW6R"    }}

Workflow Library Example

Send Message in Thread with Slack and Send Results Via Email

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