• Least privileged Microsoft Graph permission to access the action via application: Sites.Manage.All.
  • Higher privileged Microsoft Graph permissions to access the action via application: Sites.ReadWrite.All.

To learn more, visit the SharePoint documentation.

Basic Parameters

Display NameThe display name of the list.
Site IDThe ID of the site. Can be obtained via the List Sites action.
TemplateRepresents the base list template used in creating the list.

Advanced Parameters

Content TypesIndicates that content types are enabled or disabled for this list.A content type defines the structure and properties of an item, including the fields (columns) it contains, the default values, validation rules, workflows, and other settings associated with it.When content types are disabled, it means that the list or document library is not configured to use content types.In this case, only the default item content type is available, and you cannot associate additional content types with the list or library.When content types are enabled, it means that the list or document library is configured to support multiple content types.In this case, you can associate one or more content types with the list/library, allowing you to have different sets of fields and behaviors for different types of items.
HiddenIf true, indicates that the list is not normally visible in the SharePoint user experience.

Example Output

{    "id": "22e03ef3-6ef4-424d-a1d3-92a337807c30",    "createdDateTime": "2017-04-30T01:21:00Z",    "createdBy": {        "user": {            "displayName": "Ryan Gregg",            "id": "8606e4d5-d582-4f5f-aeba-7d7c18b20cfd"        }    },    "lastModifiedDateTime": "2016-08-30T08:26:00Z",    "lastModifiedBy": {        "user": {            "displayName": "Ryan Gregg",            "id": "8606e4d5-d582-4f5f-aeba-7d7c18b20cfd"        }    }}

Workflow Library Example

Create List with Sharepoint and Send Results Via Email

Preview this Workflow on desktop