This gets a collection of account activities that satisfy the given query parameters.

Basic Parameters

FiltersFilter results using the standard syntax described in V3 API Standard Collection ParametersFiltering is supported for the following fields and operators:type: eq, increated: gt, lt, ge, lemodified: gt, lt, ge, le.

Advanced Parameters

LimitMax number of results to return.See V3 API Standard Collection Parameters for more information.
OffsetOffset into the full result set. Usually specified with limit to paginate through the results.See V3 API Standard Collection Parameters for more information.
Regarding IdentityThe specified identity will be either the requester or target of the account activity. me indicates the current user. Mutually exclusive with requested-for and requested-by.
Requested ByThe identity that requested the activity. me indicates the current user. Mutually exclusive with regarding-identity.
Requested ForThe identity that the activity was requested for. me indicates the current user. Mutually exclusive with regarding-identity.
SortersSort results using the standard syntax described in V3 API Standard Collection ParametersSorting is supported for the following fields: type, created, modified.

Example Output

		"clientMetadata": {},
		"completed": "2018-10-19T13:49:37.385Z",
		"completionStatus": "string",
		"created": "2017-07-11T18:45:37.098Z",
		"errors": [
			"sailpoint.connector.ConnectorException: java.lang.InterruptedException: Timeout waiting for response to message 0 from client 57a4ab97-ab3f-4aef-9fe2-0eaf15c73d26 after 60 seconds."
		"executionStatus": "string",
		"id": "2c9180835d2e5168015d32f890ca1581",
		"items": [
				"accountRequestInfo": {
					"requestedObjectId": "2c91808563ef85690164001c31140c0c",
					"requestedObjectName": "Treasury Analyst",
					"requestedObjectType": "ACCESS_PROFILE"
				"approvalStatus": "string",
				"attribute": "detectedRoles",
				"clientMetadata": {},
				"id": "2725138ee34949beb0d6cc982d2d4625",
				"name": "Human-readable display name of item",
				"nativeIdentity": "Sandie.Camero",
				"operation": "Represents an operation in an account activity item",
				"provisioningStatus": "Provisioning state of an account activity item",
				"removeDate": "2020-07-11T00:00:00Z",
				"requested": "2017-07-11T18:45:37.098Z",
				"requesterComment": {
					"body": "Et quam massa maximus vivamus nisi ut urna tincidunt metus elementum erat.",
					"commenterId": "2c918084660f45d6016617daa9210584",
					"commenterName": "Adam Kennedy",
					"date": "2017-07-11T18:45:37.098Z"
				"reviewerComment": {
					"body": "Et quam massa maximus vivamus nisi ut urna tincidunt metus elementum erat.",
					"commenterId": "2c918084660f45d6016617daa9210584",
					"commenterName": "Adam Kennedy",
					"date": "2017-07-11T18:45:37.098Z"
				"reviewerIdentitySummary": {
					"completed": false,
					"id": "ff80818155fe8c080155fe8d925b0316",
					"identityId": "c15b9f5cca5a4e9599eaa0e64fa921bd",
					"name": "SailPoint Services"
				"sourceId": "2c91808363ef85290164000587130c0c",
				"value": "Treasury Analyst [AccessProfile-1529010191212]"
		"modified": "2018-06-25T20:22:28.104Z",
		"name": "2c9180835d2e5168015d32f890ca1581",
		"requesterIdentitySummary": {
			"completed": false,
			"id": "ff80818155fe8c080155fe8d925b0316",
			"identityId": "c15b9f5cca5a4e9599eaa0e64fa921bd",
			"name": "SailPoint Services"
		"targetIdentitySummary": {
			"completed": false,
			"id": "ff80818155fe8c080155fe8d925b0316",
			"identityId": "c15b9f5cca5a4e9599eaa0e64fa921bd",
			"name": "SailPoint Services"
		"type": "appRequest",
		"warnings": [
			"Some warning, another warning"

Workflow Library Example

List Account Activities with Sailpoint and Send Results Via Email

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