To learn more, visit the SafeBase documentation.

Basic Parameters

MemberSearch for all accounts that contain a given member email.
NameSearch for an account that has the given name.

Advanced Parameters

DomainSearch for all accounts that contain at least one member email with the given domain name.
Salesforce Account IDSearch by Salesforce Account Id.

Example Output

{    "ok": true,    "result": [        {            "id": "fe732619-4e7a-469b-b34a-d8bc4aaabfa9",            "createdAt": "2017-07-21T17:32:28Z",            "numMembers": 4,            "isNdaDone": true,            "name": "SafeBase Inc",            "description": "Customer #3",            "domains": [                ""            ],            "sfdcAccountId": "string",            "permissionProfileId": "string",            "reviewStatus": "not_started",            "accessExpiresAt": "string",            "ndaProvider": "none",            "ndaDocusign": {                "ndaRecipientFirstName": "Safe",                "ndaRecipientLastName": "Base",                "ndaRecipientEmail": ""            }        }    ]}

Workflow Library Example

List Accounts with Safebase and Send Results Via Email

Preview this Workflow on desktop