Returns information from training assignments.
External Documentation
To learn more, visit the Proofpoint Security Awareness Training documentation.
Basic Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Assignment Name | Filter to select one or more assignment names. |
Include Deleted Assignments | Filter to include deleted assignments. |
Include Deleted Users | Filter to include deleted users. |
Include Not Started | Filter to include assignments that have not been started. |
User Email Address | Filter to select one or more specific email addresses. |
Advanced Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Assignment Due Date End | Filter by the latest due date of assignment(s), for range of dates. |
Assignment Due Date Start | Filter by the earliest due date of an assignment(s), for a range of dates. |
Assignment End Date | Filter by the end date of the assignment. |
Assignment Start Date | Filter by the start date of the assignment. |
Attempt Date End | Filter by the end date of the user’s attempt at taking a training module. |
Attempt Date Start | Filter by the start date of the user’s attempt at taking a training module. |
Include Free Play | Filter to include or exclude free play training data.Note: Including free play training data requires the Attempt Date Start parameter and Attempt Date End parameter to be set. When the Include Free Play parameter is set to 'TRUE', the following parameters should not be used: Assignment Start Date , Assignment Start End , Include Not Started , Include Deleted Assignments , Include Removed Users . |
Include Removed Users | Filter to include users that have been removed from an assignment. |
Page Number | Page number of the results to fetch. |
Page Size | Number of results to return in each page, default is 5000. |
Record Last Updated End | Filter records based on the modified or created date of a record in the data warehouse. The default value is the current date. |
Record Last Updated Start | Filter records based on the modified or created date of a record in the data warehouse. The default value is one year ago from the current date. |
User Assignment Status | Filter to select one or more user assignment statuses. By default, all values are returned. |
User Tag Enable | Return users' free value tags. |
User tags | Filter on a specific free value tag. |
Example Output
"meta": {
"page_number": "1",
"count": 30,
"page_size": "1"
"jsonapi": {
"version": "3.0"
"data": [
"type": "api_training_events",
"id": 1,
"attributes": {
"userfirstname": "07d6265486b22356362387c5a098ba7d",
"userlastname": "047cb004f3b1fbe7352688b3a1c1597c",
"useremailaddress": "b014435258eb4a3bbf343fe054a4a28c",
"useractiveflag": true,
"userdeleteddate": null,
"assignmentname": "Duration",
"assignmentstartdate": "2017-02-02T00:00:00",
"assignmentdeleteddate": "9999-01-01T00:00:00",
"assignmentduedate": "2017-02-17T00:00:00",
"assignmentstatus": "Not Started",
"assignmentmethod": "Duration",
"duration": null,
"isautoenroll": false,
"modulename_admin": "Safer Web Browsing",
"modulename_user": "Safer Web Browsing",
"moduletype": "Standard",
"moduleattemptdate": "2017-02-02T00:00:00",
"modulelastaction": "2017-02-02T00:00:00",
"secondsinmoduleattempt": null,
"moduleattemptendstatus": null,
"moduleattemptstatus": "Not Started",
"moduleattemptscore": null,
"moduleattemptscorecorrect": null,
"moduleattemptscoreanswered": null,
"assignmentdeleted": false,
"userremovedfromassignment": false,
"userassignmentstatus": "Not Started",
"usertags": null,
"isfreeplay": null,
"sso_id": null,
"forcecompleteddate": null
"links": {
"last": "/api/reporting/v0.3.0/training?page%5Bnumber%5D=30&page%5Bsize%5D=1",
"next": "/api/reporting/v0.3.0/training?page%5Bnumber%5D=2&page%5Bsize%5D=1",
"first": "/api/reporting/v0.3.0/training?page%5Bsize%5D=1",
"self": "/api/reporting/v0.3.0/training?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=1"
Workflow Library Example
Training with Proofpoint Security Awareness Training and Send Results Via Email
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