Workflows based on this trigger will search for new events every 5 minutes.


Alert Rule NameSpecify this field to filter alerts only to those with a specific alert rule name.
Cloud AccountSpecify this field to filter alerts only to those from a specific cloud account.
Cloud Account IDSpecify this field to filter alerts only to those with a specific cloud account ID.
Cloud RegionSpecify this field to filter alerts only to those from a specific region.
Cloud ServiceSpecify this field to filter alerts only to those of a specific service.
GroupSpecify this field to filter alerts only to those from a specific group.
Policy Compliance Requirement NameSpecify this field to filter alerts only to those with a specific policy compliance requirement name.
Policy Compliance Section IDSpecify this field to filter alerts only to those with a specific policy compliance section ID.
Policy Compliance Standard NameSpecify this field to filter alerts only to those with a specific policy compliance standard name.
Policy IDSpecify this field to filter alerts only to those with a specific policy ID.
Policy Is RemediableSpecify this field to filter alerts only to those of remediable/ non-remediable policy.
Policy LabelSpecify this field to filter alerts only to those with a specific policy label.
Policy NameSpecify this field to filter alerts only to those with a specific policy name.
Policy SeveritySpecify this field to filter alerts only to those with a specific policy severity.
Policy TypeSpecify this field to filter alerts only to those with a specific policy type.
Resource IDSpecify this field to filter alerts only to those with a specific resource ID.
Resource NameSpecify this field to filter alerts only to those with a specific resource name.
Resource TypeSpecify this field to filter alerts only to those with a specific resource type.
TypeSpecify this field to filter alerts only to those of a specific type.

Sample Event

{    "id": "P-354",    "status": "open",    "reason": "NEW_ALERT",    "firstSeen": 1667744215877,    "lastSeen": 1667744215877,    "alertTime": 1667744215877,    "lastUpdated": 1667744492557,    "policyId": "2378dbf4-b104-4bda-9b05-7417affbba3f",    "saveSearchId": "8824de78-7e99-4ef2-9c3d-8110e12c7df7",    "metadata": {        "saveSearchId": "8824de78-7e99-4ef2-9c3d-8110e12c7df7"    },    "policy": {        "policyId": "2378dbf4-b104-4bda-9b05-7417affbba3f",        "policyType": "config",        "systemDefault": true,        "remediable": false    },    "alertRules": [],    "history": [],    "resource": {        "rrn": "rrn::securityGroup:eu-west-1:714946255915:5dcff2d908a4e3172c81a4816e737799bffde199:sg-04c685117a1f1283d",        "id": "sg-04c685117a1f1283d",        "name": "default",        "account": "AWS Account",        "accountId": "714946255915",        "cloudAccountGroups": [            "Default Account Group"        ],        "region": "AWS Ireland",        "regionId": "eu-west-1",        "resourceType": "SECURITY_GROUP",        "resourceApiName": "aws-ec2-describe-security-groups",        "cloudServiceName": "Amazon VPC2",        "url": "",        "data": {            "description": "default VPC security group",            "groupId": "sg-04c685117a1f1283d",            "groupName": "default",            "ipPermissions": [                {                    "ipRanges": [],                    "prefixListIds": [],                    "userIdGroupPairs": [                        {                            "groupId": "sg-04c685117a1f1283d",                            "userId": "714946255915"                        }                    ],                    "ipProtocol": "-1",                    "ipv4Ranges": [],                    "ipv6Ranges": []                }            ],            "ipPermissionsEgress": [                {                    "ipRanges": [                        ""                    ],                    "prefixListIds": [],                    "userIdGroupPairs": [],                    "ipProtocol": "-1",                    "ipv4Ranges": [                        {                            "cidrIp": ""                        }                    ],                    "ipv6Ranges": []                }            ],            "isShared": false,            "ownerId": "714946255915",            "region": "eu-west-1",            "tags": [],            "vpcId": "vpc-068f42117500e156b"        },        "additionalInfo": {},        "cloudType": "aws",        "resourceTs": 1667744215208,        "unifiedAssetId": "03b6296bb2bfa3de4d6fb18782d11807",        "resourceConfigJsonAvailable": true,        "resourceDetailsAvailable": true    },    "alertAdditionalInfo": {        "scannerVersion": "CS_2.0"    }}