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Get Test Vulnerabilities

Get the vulnerabilities of a test.


Test IDThe ID of the test. Can be obtained by List Tests.

Example Output

"vulnerabilities": [
"id": "pcysys_linux_0.100001055",
"creation_time": 1638806663620,
"name": "Discovered closed ports on the host",
"summary": "Discovered closed port on the host (reachable without firewalling).",
"found_on": "Host:",
"target": "Host",
"target_id": "61ae2ec4d768ab74d77a9d62",
"port": 445,
"protocol": "smb",
"severity": 2.3,
"priority": 1,
"insight": "Discovered closed port on the host (reachable without firewalling).",
"remediation": "If closed ports are reachable through the firewall, they can be abused. It is recommended to block closed ports via firewalling to prevent malicious software from establishing a C2 channel through a closed port."

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