• Least privileged Microsoft Graph permission to access the action via application: Files.Read.All.
  • Higher privileged Microsoft Graph permissions to access the action via application: Sites.ReadWrite.All, Files.ReadWrite.All, Sites.Read.All.

To learn more, visit the OneDrive documentation.


Item IDUser, group or site ID depending on the chosen Entity Type. Leave as ‘root’ to list the permissions on the parent Drive Item.
Parent Entity IDUser, group or site ID depending on the chosen Entity Type.
Parent Entity TypeThe type of the parent of target item for which to retrieve permissions.

Example Output

{    "@odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#users('98c4f2fe-59ff-47cb-b152-4d0f48fdce49')/drive/items('013UEMO3CCJQCRZEVSCRH3MDBTEBCTTKFF')/permissions",    "value": [        {            "id": "aTowIy5mfG1lbWJlcnNoaXB8ZGFuaWVsLmt1cGVybWFuQGhhdml2YmxpbmtvcHMub25taWNyb3NvZnQuY29t",            "roles": [                "owner"            ],            "grantedToV2": {                "user": {                    "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.sharePointIdentity",                    "displayName": "test",                    "email": "test.test@testblinkops.onmicrosoft.com",                    "id": "98c4f2fe-59ff-47cb-b152-4d0f48fdce49"                },                "siteUser": {                    "displayName": "test",                    "email": "test.name@example.onmicrosoft.com",                    "id": "3",                    "loginName": "i:0#.f|membership|test.test@testblinkops.onmicrosoft.com"                }            },            "grantedTo": {                "user": {                    "displayName": "test",                    "email": "test.name@example.onmicrosoft.com",                    "id": "98c4f2fe-59ff-47cb-b152-4d0f48fdce49"                }            }        }    ]}

Workflow Library Example

List Item Permissions with Onedrive and Send Results Via Email

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