To learn more, visit the Nutanix Hypervisor documentation.

Basic Parameters

KindThe kind name.
Sort AttributeThe attribute to perform sort on.
Sort OrderThe sort order in which results are returned.

Advanced Parameters

LengthThe amount of records to retrieve relative to the offset.
OffsetOffset from the start of the list.

Example Output

{    "entities": [        {            "status": {                "state": "string",                "message_list": [                    {                        "message": "string",                        "reason": "string",                        "details": {                            "property1": "string",                            "property2": "string"                        }                    }                ],                "name": "string",                "resources": {                    "gpu_driver_version": "string",                    "failover_cluster": {                        "ip": "string",                        "name": "string",                        "domain_credential": {                            "username": "string",                            "password": "string"                        }                    },                    "controller_vm": {                        "ip": "string",                        "nat_ip": "string",                        "oplog_usage": {                            "oplog_disk_pct": 0,                            "oplog_disk_size": 0                        },                        "nat_port": 0                    },                    "ipmi": {                        "ip": "string"                    },                    "rackable_unit_reference": {                        "kind": "rackable_unit",                        "name": "string",                        "uuid": "string"                    },                    "host_type": "string",                    "cpu_model": "string",                    "host_nics_id_list": [                        "string"                    ],                    "num_cpu_sockets": 0,                    "windows_domain": {                        "name": "string",                        "domain_name": "string",                        "domain_credential": {                            "username": "string",                            "password": "string"                        },                        "organization_unit_path": "string",                        "name_prefix": "string",                        "name_server_ip": "string"                    },                    "gpu_list": [                        {                            "status": "string",                            "assignable": true,                            "vendor": "string",                            "name": "string",                            "index": 0,                            "license_list": [                                "string"                            ],                            "numa_node": 0,                            "max_resolution": "string",                            "num_vgpus_allocated": 0,                            "consumer_reference": {                                "url": "string",                                "kind": "string",                                "uuid": "string",                                "name": "string"                            },                            "pci_address": "string",                            "fraction": 0,                            "mode": "string",                            "num_virtual_display_heads": 0,                            "guest_driver_version": "string",                            "frame_buffer_size_mib": 0,                            "device_id": 0,                            "max_instances_per_vm": 0,                            "uuid": "string"                        }                    ],                    "num_cpu_cores": 0,                    "monitoring_state": "string",                    "cpu_capacity_hz": 0,                    "serial_number": "string",                    "memory_capacity_mib": 0,                    "hypervisor": {                        "num_vms": 0,                        "ip": "string",                        "hypervisor_full_name": "string"                    },                    "block": {                        "block_serial_number": "string",                        "block_model": "string"                    },                    "host_disks_reference_list": [                        {                            "kind": "disk",                            "name": "string",                            "uuid": "string"                        }                    ]                },                "cluster_reference": {                    "url": "string",                    "kind": "string",                    "uuid": "string",                    "name": "string"                }            },            "spec": {                "name": "string",                "resources": {                    "windows_domain": {                        "name": "string",                        "domain_name": "string",                        "domain_credential": {                            "username": "string",                            "password": "string"                        },                        "organization_unit_path": "string",                        "name_prefix": "string",                        "name_server_ip": "string"                    },                    "controller_vm": {                        "ip": "string",                        "nat_ip": "string",                        "oplog_usage": {                            "oplog_disk_pct": 0,                            "oplog_disk_size": 0                        },                        "nat_port": 0                    },                    "failover_cluster": {                        "ip": "string",                        "name": "string",                        "domain_credential": {                            "username": "string",                            "password": "string"                        }                    }                }            },            "api_version": "3.1.0",            "metadata": {                "last_update_time": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",                "use_categories_mapping": false,                "kind": "host",                "uuid": "string",                "project_reference": {                    "kind": "project",                    "name": "string",                    "uuid": "string"                },                "creation_time": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",                "spec_version": 0,                "spec_hash": "string",                "categories_mapping": {                    "property1": [                        "string"                    ],                    "property2": [                        "string"                    ]                },                "should_force_translate": true,                "entity_version": "string",                "owner_reference": {                    "kind": "user",                    "name": "string",                    "uuid": "string"                },                "categories": {                    "property1": "string",                    "property2": "string"                },                "name": "string"            }        }    ],    "api_version": "3.1.0",    "metadata": {        "kind": "host",        "total_matches": 0,        "sort_attribute": "string",        "filter": "string",        "length": 0,        "sort_order": "string",        "offset": 0    }}

Workflow Library Example

List Hosts with Nutanix Hypervisor and Send Results Via Email

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